Poor LIttle Fellow

Aug 11, 2019 10:23

A young man leaves his small home town to come to the big city seeking a future.

Only to find himself just as alienated and lonely as before, only in a bigger scale.

The answer lies within. Try is a nice fellow, until he gets restless. Then he wants to break out and do something. He will walk to great miles to find something that interests him. In this way he is very similar to Nardo. However, Try still has his father and mother to nag him and his loving aunt to coach him. As with much of that tribe, he has the alcohol bug to drown his sorrows in the wrong kind of spirits. He is rebelling. He wanted us to watch Dazed and Confused with him about teens in L.A. in the 70's. Our generation. To that, I say this, "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked". He's been drinking all day out of boredom. He doesn't realize when he's had too much "beer" that he smells bad, and is obnoxious and over assertive with those he loves. After the movie, he wanted to party. We wanted to sleep, so he went to the local pub to finish his flight. Hopefully he does not take that path. Looks like we've got another live one. GF means well. I don't think she foresees the effort required to help others. I've heard him cut his father off on the phone, not wanting to hear his advice. He has frequently said he loves us and is grateful for this new opportunity to change his life. But can he handle the culture shock? We'll see. He is surely on a journey, and this is his anthem.

So you think you're lonely
Well, my friend, I'm lonely too
I want to get back to my City by the bay..

Journey - Lights

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dr. π (pi)


pop music, rock ballads, drunk santa, music of paris, try

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