World readings in support of Pussy Riot

Nov 12, 2012 18:49

Originally posted by kichanova

Pussy Riot says:

"Justice of the Russian Federation had missed a chance to end the shameful prosecution of members of punk band Pussy Riot. The scandal is not only the verdict but also the process. This process is for Mr Putin's system that tries to silence an entire generations of artistic, cultural and civic community leaders. Organizers of the international literature festival in Berlin, authors and intellectuals from all over the world to Hope Tolokonnikova, prostrate Maria Alekhina and Catherine Samutsevitch, which showed the world its artistic event at the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow and their uncompromising behaviour during the trial, that there is a different Russia, not allowing neither the church nor the political power to impose a form of artistic expression.

In the face of the dictatorial system of Putin with his understanding of democracy and human rights, for example, its permanent veto in alliance with China, a UN Security Council resolution on Syria's solidarity with Group Pussy Riot and civil society institutions, kriminaliziruemymi approval of new laws in Russia, is a necessity for Europe and the entire international community.

The Berlin international literature festival "ilb" encouraged artists and intellectuals, representatives of schools and universities, radio stations and TV stations, theaters and other cultural institutions to participate in world readings in support of a Pussy Riot. To read excerpts from speeches by delegates Pussy Riot at the trial. The texts will be published in English, German, Russian and other languages on the website of the Festival, November 15, 2012.

"Ilb" have already supported such famous writers as, Lars Gustafsson, Nobel literature laureate Elfriede Jelinek, Mario Vargas Llosa, and many others. Jelinek and Llosa personally participate in world readings in support of a Pussy Riot. link

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