Love Guru ~ Mike Myers

Jun 27, 2008 00:08

THe New Age ~ The Age of Gurus, Self-made

'Love Guru' producers shouldn't placate Hindus: Deepak Chopra

Mike Myers and Jessica Alba in "Love Guru" ~ Jessica Alba is Hot!
Movie Review and Trailer, Philadelphia Enquirer
The Love Guru: Myers, Timberlake, and Troyer… Yes, That’s Weird

New York: While insisting that the producers of "The Love Guru" should not have placated Hindu protesters by agreeing to pre-screen the Hollywood comedy for them, self-help guru Deepak Chopra, who plays a cameo in the film, has welcomed the publicity. Chopra, the India-born, US-based writer of many best-selling books, said he called the film's star and co-producer Mike Myers, known for the Austin Powers films, to tell him: "If you think you are going to placate them, you are going to anger them even more. I would not placate them". (To make an attempt to listen to someone protesting and trying to have a dialogue is the correct approach. By labelling it as placating this gentleman is trying to block any intellectual interaction too ! This is his spirituality. Let us remind him that it is the TRADITION OF sanatan Dharma to debate and sort out the diffrences. To decline that, means 'I know everything' approach ! It's not spirituality. Well what else to expect from Deepak Chopra,who is more concerned with publicity than feelings of Hindus ! - Editor) So it becomes nothing but Chopra told Monday: "I would make fun of them (the Hindu groups). I would say your faith is so weak that a comedy can offend you." (Hindus, please understand Chopra's language. It is clear from it that making fun of Hindus is a deliberate thing. The problem is not with the protestors' faith, but the movie's spreading misinformation about Hinduism and its sacred Guru tradition. So, as per Chopra's logic, the Islamic protestors in the Danish cartoon controversy become persons with the weakest faith! Why doesn't Chopra test his faith by making some parody and comments like this on them! The fact that Chopra does not laugh at them, shows that he is taking undue advantage of the tolerence and apathy of Hindus in such matters. - Editor)

"'The Love Guru' is a comedy and comedies poke fun," he continued. "I make a cameo appearance in the film, and viewers will find that no one is more thoroughly skewered in it than I am." (Deciding to make a commedy does not mean that it's a license to make anything on any subject, disregarding the faith of others and creating misconceptions about their faith. - Editor) Paramount Pictures, the studio behind the film, has agreed to show the film, when complete, to Hindu leaders. They were persuaded by Rajan Zed, who has floated a Hindu group after receiving attention for delivering Hindu opening prayer in the US Senate last year. Looking at the one released trailer of the film, he felt the film lampooned Hinduism and might create negative stereotypes of Hindu characters.

Billed the biggest Hollywood comedy this summer, the film revolves around the Myers character of Pitka, an Indian style American guru with a penchant for resolving romantic problems of celebrities. Also starring Ben Kingsley, Jessica Alba and Justin Timberlake, the film appears to be using double entendres - "His karma is huge" is its tagline, and guru characters have names like Tugginmypudha.

Chopra said: "This was a great opportunity to make our Indian philosophy even more popular because despite the popularity of the books, young kids do not know much about it and humour is a good vehicle." (This is not the case with a religion like Islam, because nothing of this sort is ever tolerated in it, where kids are aware of their faith and willing to join hands with their elders, to protect their faith. If soemone goes on putting money to make fun of spiritual jewels in Hinduism, and persons like Deepak Chopra are going to support it in this fashion, then it conveys the message that it's all a part of a big design to malign Hinduism. As such, the main actor (Myers) in this film is already known for maligning Hinduism in an earlier film. - Editor)

Chopra's book "Why Is God Laughing" will be launched in June around the release of Myers' film. The book, he said, is about Myers and how he covers up his existential depression through comedy. (So one prepares a movie, hurting others' religious sentiments, to come out of depression ! A great idea indeed! - Editor)

Chopra expressed gratefulness to religious critics for creating publicity both for the movie as well as for his book. (So Chopra is more interested in publicity of self than in the betterment of Hinduism and fellow Hindus! - Editor)

Chopra is already being called the anti-Christ and a devil by fundamentalist Christians for claiming that Jesus never intended to start a religion in his new book "The Third Christ". His stance on the movie may earn him the ire of some fringe Hindu groups as well.

'Love Guru' producers shouldn't placate Hindus: Deepak Chopra

Why it is extremely important to go see the Mike Myers' movie "Love Guru"

The First Step of Darhma, er I mean D.R.A.M.A. is "Distraction" ~ Guru Pitka

The Guru Pitka

"I am a spiritual teacher, affiliated with no one faith and I have combined many disparate disciplines into a unified movement of human potentiality and equipoise."

And within this non-denominational movement, I developed a system for healing your emotional pain called "D.R.A.M.A." "D.R.A.M.A." is:

"I first Distract you from your emotional pain, then Regress you back to the age where your emotional pain originated. I Adjust that emotional pain, and Mature you by making you responsible for your own health and happiness and, on your own and without your guru's help, you put your new consciousness into Action. D.R.A.M.A.!!" ~ Guru Pitka

The Guru Pitka Official Website

Yoga is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. "The Love Guru" parodies it in a repugnant way and names some of the yoga poses as "no shoes, no shirt, no nirvana," "ass, gas, and grass, head up your ass" etc “…guru is never to be ridiculed under any circumstance. Respect for the giver of knowledge is a foundational and essential element of the various yoga processes found within Vedic culture…The prescreening is a welcome token of respect for Hindus…”

American Yoda, grow up and lighten up! You seek enlightenment with a match and a fart greater than a Brahman priest. Pass gas on this...


Hoedown in Bollywood, showdown on Hockey Night in Canada Toronto vs LA, yoga gone wild, and lowdown on Bob's your uncle Love Guru is a movie about Indian culture made by a Canadian, yet is typically American!

Mariska Hargitay!

In a communiqué today to prominent Indo-American leader Rajan Zed who is the president of Universal Society of Hinduism (USH) denounced the new Mike Myers movie Love Guru. Examples of denigration of Hindu concepts in "The Love Guru" trailer include:

1) The character of Guru Pitka is shown as a self-proclaimed guru after money and sex. These are actually tell-tale signs of fake gurus!
2) Statements like "His [Guru Pitka's] karma is huge" trivialize concepts like karma, which are fundamental to Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) that have won respect even in scientific circles.
Claims such as "Guru Pitka is the second best guru from India" disregard facts like India being home to illustrious gurus, such as Swami Vivekananda and Ramana Maharshi, to name a few.
3) The character of Guru Pitka is shown in ochre/saffron robes, which symbolize renunciation, sacred to Hindus.
4) Yoga is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. "The Love Guru" parodies it in a repugnant way and names some of the yoga poses as "no shoes, no shirt, no nirvana," "ass, gas, and grass," etc., on the movie site.
5) Guru Pitka chants a so-called mantra resembling the name of a woman (Mariska Hargitay), ridiculing the revered concept of mantras or holy chants. Mantras are given to mankind by ancient sages, who were spiritual scientists par excellence, after much research into the spiritual dimension. Each syllable and pronunciation of mantras spiritually empowers the person reciting it with its underlying sankalpa (resolve).
6) A guru is totally free from selfish motives (unlike as in "The Love Guru") and works for the welfare of humanity.
7) While Hindus venerate their gurus, the occupation of Mike Myers' Guru Pitka was listed as "Guru/life guide/Bikini inspector," on (linked to the official site of the movie).

Movie Could Lead to Bad Karma ~ According to Karmic Law of Sean Clarke of The Spiritual Research Foundation, These Are The Projected Consequences of Such a Movie;

Making the movie, 'The Love Guru'/ 2nd region of Hell for 1000 years

Watching it for entertainment without knowing the spiritual science/significance/ Nether region (Bhuvaloka) for 100 yrs

Watching it for entertainment even after knowing the spiritual science/ significance/ 1st region of Hell for 100 yrs

Being a seeker of God/on the spiritual path, knowing about the Movie, but doing nothing to stop it/ 1st region of Hell for 100 yrs

sources of dissidence;
Hindu Group: Why 'The Love Guru' Offends Us
More voices express concern about movie “The Love Guru”“-love-guru”-29163
Myers' 'Love Guru' insults only the I.Q. and See Movie Trailer
Hindus urge Censor Board to halt Hollywood movie "The Love Guru"
SSRF's Protest against 'The Love Guru' (Spiritual Science Research Foundation)
Sean Clarke

Hollywood Marries Bollywood: America finally Romanizes Hindu Vedic culture...

Mike Myers, We Love You!

New Age America ~ It's Unbelievable!

An Adventure in Deep Shallow Buddhist Studies...

"You are not good. You are not bad. You are God." ~ Buddha

The Bohemian lifestyle, the oneness of a Buddhist, and the expression of an artist. Why are all of these things that a large subculture of American’s focused on in this new age? Could it be because we have a new uprising of a hippy subculture? Or is it that history’s ideas, themes, and motifs are repeating and reoccurring in a newer mainstream form of culture and philosophy? I believe that it is so; thoughts of the Romantic era in America are reoccurring in today’s society. ~ Zach

Romanticism: Our Modern-day Romance…With Ourselves?

Guru Osha Bagwan Rajneesh ~ Sidekick or Mentor? Will The Real Love Guru Please Sit Down and Meditate?

"What you tell them is true, but what I tell them (the useful lies) is good for them." ~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Poona, India, 1975

Rajneesh possessed the power of direct energy transmission, which is known in India as "shaktipat." He used this power nobly to bring comfort and inspiration to his disciples. Rajneesh claimed to have the "third eye" powers of telepathy and remote viewing as well, and for many years I believed that claim to be true. However, in the 1980s Rajneesh was unable to perceive the tragic events at his Oregon commune which occurred directly under his nose, so those claimed powers are now a question mark in my mind. Many gurus boast of having mysterious psychic abilities in order to attract new disciples and new money. Rajneesh's habit of getting his helpers to investigate visitors so he could impress them with his knowledge of their personal lives adds to my current skepticism about the effectiveness of his "third eye." It was a fact, however, that those who came near him did experience his incredible cosmic presence. One or two face to face meetings with Rajneesh was all it took to turn doubting Western skepticism into awed admiration and devotion.

The Rajneeshees wanted to build a large resort and housing development along the John Day (at their retreat in Oregon), and I saw how they were stymied by a promontory that went right into the river, blocking access to the area where the resort would be located. I saw how the land swap would give them a road route from their ranch land to the resort location. The value of the land would increase enormously, enriching the leaders of the Rajneesh.

"Bill Bowerman came into my congressional office in the Federal Building one day in the early 1980s. A gruff, outspoken man, he was someone I liked a lot. Bill told me of a religious band called the Rajneesh, that he considered evil. I was shocked, thinking the Rajneesh were a harmless cult that could be left to go its own way. They had bought a huge ranch called the Big Muddy in Central Oregon, across the John Day River from Bill's old homestead. They had built a city populated with their young, saffron-robed acolytes. The Big Muddy was a checkerboard of land sections owned by the Bureau of Land Management and the Rajneesh." ~ Jim Weaver represented Oregon's 4th District in Congress from 1975 to 1987

Eventually Sheela and Ma Anand Puja confessed to plotting to poison the county commissioners in 1983 and to contaminate salad bars in The Dalles in 1984. Prosecutors believe the cult also carried out similar attacks in other Oregon towns and cities which were never discovered. According to testimony, cult members sprinkled “salsa” on lettuce and other fruits and vegetables and put salmonella in restaurant coffee creamers and salad dressings. The Rajneeshees reported that they were more than willing to sacrifice one thousand “unenlightened people” to preserve the vision of one “enlightened master.”

U.G. Krishnamurti, a famous maverick anti-guru, was even more critical of Rajneesh. During the mid 1970s Rajneesh deemphasized his own meditation methods and started selling Western style group therapies as a way to gain income. It was difficult to make money from authentic meditation techniques because they are all easy to learn and can be done alone, without the aid of a teacher. One of the groups Rajneesh sold to students was the "Tantra" group, which was basically just male and female disciples having sex with each other. U.G. Krishnamurti publicly called Rajneesh the "worlds biggest pimp" because "He made money from the boys and the girls and he kept it for himself." In 1971 Rajneesh told me directly in a face to face meeting that U.G. Krishnamurti was "realized." After much public criticism from U.G., Rajneesh counterattacked by calling U.G. a "phony guru." [see photo of U.G. Krishnamurti.]

"Meditation must not be made into a business." ~ Acharya Rajneesh 1971

Osho, Bhagwan Rajneesh, and the Lost Truth
How the Rajneesh land swap in the 1980s was stopped
The Ridiculous Teachings of Wrong Way Rajneesh
Common Lies of the Phony World of Mystics
Bioterrorism in Oregon by Shirley Ayers

The Meditation Manual
"Meditation is inner astronomy. You discover the stars, the moon, and the sun are all inside you."

WARNING: Avoid the use of mantras and long repetitive chanting. Repeating the same words over and over is a method of forgetfulness that will bore the mind and leads to the light sleep state hypnosis problem mentioned earlier. I would define a mantra as the repetition of words, usually meaningless, for a period of two minutes or more. Mantras have traditionally been used for hours on end by students who become mentally calmed and dulled by their use.

Ramana Maharshi was a beloved Indian teacher who reached enlightenment through self-inquiry, by asking the most fundamental question "Who am I?" Here is a self-inquiry technique that expands Ramana Maharshi's method to make it even more powerful. Speak out loud the following incantation with total intensity before and/or during formal sitting meditation sessions. By the term "total intensity," I mean the same level of intensity you would feel if you were just told that you only had one hour left to live. Be emotional, be Italian, use your hands and body language if it helps. Plead with the universe the following question.

"Your constant utilization of thought to give continuity to your separate self is 'you'. There is nothing there inside you other than that." ~ U.G. Krishnamurti

Meditation Handbook ~ Why Meditate?
The Seven Realms of Consciousness
Krishanmurti ~ The Real Revolution

Welcome to Shangri-la ~ Zorba the Buddha, "Heaven on Earth"

"Every year thousands of people visit this luxurious resort… A very comfortable paradise where you can stay a long time, with low-budget hotels nearby and very good food in the commune, with meditations free. The atmosphere is really like a fairy tale. A paradise where all your emotional, bodily and spiritual needs are met. I can advise everybody to visit for a few days and walk around that beautiful garden where everybody is friendly." ~ Elle Magazine

Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, India

ESALEN, BIG SUR ~ New Age Bubbles in Kali-fornia

Esalen, birthplace of the New Age, is a victim of its own success. In the 1950s, the Beat poets came from San Francisco and brought women and books about Tantra. Mingling easily were scholars such as Alan Watts, a bon vivant and expert on Taoism and Zen Buddhism. Then came anarchists, hippies and drugs. Mr Murphy and his co-founder, Richard Price, came down in the early 1960s and created the institute. Their different but complementary personalities would soon turn the place into a phenomenon. Messrs Murphy and Price didn't want to import the Asian traditions wholesale. Mr Murphy had hated the conservative and hierarchical society that he saw in India, which Mr Price compared to his totalitarian experience in the mental asylum. They wanted to mix Eastern spirituality with Western individualism, democracy, science, openness, and optimism. In particular, they liked Huxley's idea about “human potentialities”, and adopted the term... This-specifically the bit about the body-soon presented a predictably Californian problem. The fancy Asian way of putting the Esalen vision was the word Tantra, a strand in Eastern philosophy that considers the physical world not an illusion to be overcome but a vehicle to reach the divine. Mr Murphy, for instance, has always seen golf as a form of meditation, a notion that in 1972 he turned into a bestselling book, “Golf in the Kingdom”. “My passion was for self-cultivation that involves discipline” as opposed to “letting it all hang out,” he says. “Curiously, what happens around the world with Tantra also happened at Esalen...” the cerebral and ascetic, or “Apollonian”, aspect of the activities always had competition from the sensual and indulgent, or “Dionysian”, side. For a time, Esalen even had its own venereal-disease clinic. The drugs were also a problem. Mr Murphy was informed that California's state government had placed agents on the grounds. He went to the bureaucracy and discovered that he was an “innkeeper” and thus liable. He put up a No Drugs sign, and kicked out any known dealers. Still, “we knew that at half of the seminars everybody was stoned,” he says. A course on “drug-induced mysticism” remained one of the most popular offerings. There were casualties, including several suicides that involved drugs. Esalen is a victim of its own success. The culture it created is now mainstream. In another sense, it is just a manifestation of California as its vibrant, healthy self. Young people looking for a place to express themselves, to flaunt and paint their bodies and try anything that promises to be zany and cool still have a place to go-only now it is called Burning Man, a festival in the Nevada desert. Those looking for intellectual radicalism, indeed human potential, go to the annual TED conference up the road in Monterey. ~ the Economist

American Spirituality ~ where “California” bubbled up ESALEN, BIG SUR

American Feminism and the Birth of New Age Spirituality

Contrary to popular thought, New Age spirituality did not suddenly appear in American life in the 1970s and '80s. In American Feminism and the Birth of New Age Spirituality, Catherine Tumber demonstrates that the New Age movement first flourished more than a century ago during the Gilded Age under the mantle of 'New Thought.' Based largely on research in popular journals, self-help manuals, newspaper accounts, and archival collections, American Feminism and the Birth of New Age Spirituality explores the contours of the New Thought movement. Through the lives of well-known figures such as Mary Baker Eddy, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and Edward Bellamy as well as through more obscure, but more representative 'New Thoughters' such as Abby Morton Diaz, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Ursula Gestefeld, Lilian Whiting, Sarah Farmer, and Elizabeth Towne, Tumber examines the historical conditions that gave rise to New Thought. She pays close attention to the ways in which feminism became grafted, with varying degrees of success, to emergent forms of liberal culture in the late nineteenth century--progressive politics, the Social Gospel, humanist psychotherapy, bohemian subculture, and mass market journalism. American Feminism and the Birth of New Age Spirituality questions the value of the new age movement--then and now--to the pursuit of women's rights and democratic renewal. ~ Scarecrow Press

American Feminism and the Birth of New Age Spirituality ~ Searching for the Higher Self, 1875-1915^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0847697487

"Somehow over the decades there's been a revolution in morals. Deficits, obfuscations and trickeries that were once unthinkable are now the norm..."

The politics of dancing in the new age... american new age is buddhism gone wild!

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Maharishi Mahesh

"You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear, you hear?" ~ Harry Nilsson

Believe what you want to believe, you hear?


bollywood, hockey night in canada, american breakdown, love guru mike myers, yoga gone wild, hoedown

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