Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us?

Nov 14, 2018 03:50

Earth is drowning in fire...

I used to feel calmed by the sound of the rain. Tonight, however, the deluge continues through the night.
It started last night when I shouted out some invisible God to stop the nerve pain to my face, and the sun
began to fade and the clouds came, the sky darkened and it began to rain. GF was watching news clips about
the wildfires in California. Here we have rain and in California, tens of thousands are being evacuated
from threat to their lives from burning autumn leaves. Tinder sticks, as if the portals to hell just opened
and we are beset upon by Mother Nature's rage. Set on fire like a Red Hot Chilli Pepper Kalifornication

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Paradise California has become a living hell as wildfire reduces Paradise, California, to ashes. Can't sleep, my face is on fire. Cities alight

What sick god takes pleasure in this? Man thinks we is god, tests god's anger in a fit of global warming as the fiery leaves of autumn
turn to ashes...


dr. π (pi)


california surf sound, music of paris, rockin in the free world, kaliforniecation

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