Orange is the New Rainbow
Well, fuck. It appears that dear Nardo, is up for arraignment on charges for getting into a fight, no details,
whereupon he has to appear in court on the morrow, explaining his fucking awful moods lately. I suspect that
the fight was the incident, where he said he got clipped by a bus, chipped his tooth and broke his glasses, which
made no fucking sense at the time, but was just a story he fabricated to spare dear old mom from the truth.
Oh, my!
Ain't that the dawg's cahoot! Bang me with a funny bone!
As I've stated previously, I never believe what comes out of his mouth and don't trust him as far as I can see him.
It doesn't seem as though he killed anybody, so if anything he was a victim in his tutu, trying to act anti-feminist
in psychedelic man leggings and lipstick. So what are we to make of it? Deja vu! I remember that last time he did this
shit, when he was zoned out on Schizoid meds and assaulted a stranger in the middle of the street, like some vendetta.
He got off for mental instability and only got probation, and then moved away with his girlfriend to another city.
Likewise, when he got stupid with me about leaving he toaster oven on as a fire hazard, he threatened to strike out at me.
So who knows what the truth actually is here. What a fucked up secret life he leads. One of his best friends who really
cares about him, told GF that Nardo lies to him and he doesn't know what to believe. His friend has reached out
to try be there for him, but Nardo just ignores people who care and want to help, like he is somehow impenetrable.
He's been mumbling to himself lately and laughing secretly out loud without sharing what's so funny in this
mundane existence we lead.
"If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you." Good luck poor duck. What the fuck!?
Orange is the New Rainbow
Big Tiny Little performing "Hindustan" (1963)
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dr. π (pi)