This strange game of people all over the country declaring that they've finally discovered what Detroit is.
Detroit is the new El Segundo! Or maybe El Segundo is the New Detroit.
El Barrio de Detroit : De derecha a izquierda, el Renaissance Center, la Comerica Tower, y el Penobscot Building
Like 12 blind men feeling an elephant and each declaring it to be something distinct and different, it's amusing to see people announce Detroit's status as the "New Brooklyn," or the "New Berlin" or the "new Hamptons" or even the "New Detroit." (This even as other cities, from Atlantic City, N.J. to Las Vegas contend to be anointed as the "new Detroit.") Detroit is GM Headquarters.
All that said, we just encountered a declaration that stopped US cold: Detroit is the new Los Angeles?
Both cities experienced their rise during the original auto boom of 1910-1940, after 1950, Los Angeles kept growing, but Detroit, not so much. Detroit used to be called Motor City, due to the Googie-googie vehicle boys from Company D. Oil and water.. don't mix.
Detroit is the new El Segundo!
El Segundo, just south of LAX and across the street from - but not in - the city of Los Angeles. Understand that Hollywood is actually in Los Angeles, and that El Segundo isn't. But welcome to Gordita Beach!
" Gordita was still like living on a houseboat anchored in a tar pit. Everything smelled like crude. Oil spilled from tankers washed up on the beach, black, thick, gooey. Anybody who walked on the beach got it on the bottoms of their feet, so let it just accumulate till it was thick as huarache soles, thereby saving him the price of a pair of sandals. " - Thomas Pynchon, novel Inherent Vice 2009
El Segundo's other notorious claim to fame, is the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant. "Brave New World" author Aldous Huxley, who lived in L.A. from 1937 until his death a quarter of a century later, called this sewage treatment plant the "miracle of Hyperion." In a cheerfully disgusting essay about the place, he once recounted his, Thomas Mann's, and their wives' discovery of thousands of flushed condoms while beachcombing along the strand. Anna Sklar, in her fluent study of the Los Angeles sewer system, "Brown Acres," pumps out two theories for how the Hyperion plant got its name. She writes, that Sherman chose Hyperion (as a name) because he was the "offspring of Uranus," with the literary history of El Segundo, as with the literature of the entire region.
Neither the Boeings nor the resurgent El Segundo blue butterflies can match the magic of El Segundo's most underappreciated amenity, the Old Town Music Hall. Souls who venture inside on weekends discover a tiny, cash-only bijou that offers a hand-Xeroxed calendar full of classic movies, ragtime concerts and cartoons, most preceded by a few tunes on its "Mighty Wurlitzer" pipe organ. Disoriented tourists, stupefied in the sunshine, could do worse than check out a matinee of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" at the Old Town Music Hall during the first weekend in May.
Old Town Music Hall, El Segundo, CA
Delivering New Coke Drums to Chevron's El Segundo Refinery
A vital energy resource to Southern California, our El Segundo Refinery produces nearly 20 percent of the region’s auto
and truck fuel and nearly half of the jet fuel at LAX. Details : Click to view
The Chevron Segundo refinery is one of the largest pollutants in the Los Angeles area. Detroit, the sewage pit of hard earned dough