Exploding Head Syndrome Hearing Voices - Mental Headed Foundation

Jul 18, 2018 09:20

It is estimated that between 5% and 28% of the general population hears voices that other people do not.

Nardo often mutters too himself, sometimes he speaks whole sentences as if carrying on some private conversation.

Is he talking to me? I don’t think so, since he doesn’t answer what I ask him. I was thinking, what’s all that about?
Selective hearing? GF admits she thinks he may be schizophrenic, like multiple personality. His aunt thinks he’s
possessed by demons, psychobabble in his brain. She prays for his salvation. So who are these multiple personalities?

Voices in His Head, The Thought Police

"Hello, I’m the chef, I’ve got a certificate in cooking so I can mess up the kitchen. I make potions with spices to make others ill."

"I’m a magi. I have powers to heal the dead in video games, like Jesus."

"Hi, I'm Nardo, I am a guy who failed miserably and blame my father for not setting a good example, so I’m transgendering to a woman,
Nardella, just like my sister who was born that way, to side with my mother, so I don’t look like a user, just like my father."

"I burn all my bridges after I cross them. I leave things behind after I am finished with them, including people and animals and living things.
I was a pet owner, but I neglect animals and am insensitive to their needs as living beings, because everything in the world is here for me."

"I don’t care about others, they mean nothing to me, as long as I get what I need. If you don’t take care of me, I will become a drunken
hobo and live on the street, and then you’ll be sorry, because I take on job prospects that are over my reach and then fall short of the mark,
and set out to fail to prove my disability. I excelled in intellectual activities like communication and selling electronics,
but that is all beneath me, because I need to prove I am a man, even though I am really a woman. I studied graphic design and have art talent,
but the best I’ve been able to accomplish is being a con artist."

"I need to go to my imaginary world of video games where I can swear however I like and nobody can touch me, and I can pretend to heal others or give them shit for dying."

"When we start losing, then I need to go to the computer to network online with other freaks I’ve connected with."

People who hear voices in their head can also pick up on hidden speech, so I better be careful what I say here..

GF has got Nardo using a mind sequencer to try to help his A.D.D. and stupid tendencies, it's a harmonizing device that balances his brain activity,
to make him less "dough headed". This is what he kneads we think to become more than a slice, but a whole goddam loaf of bread! I hope it works.

Police Voices in my Head

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dr. π (pi)


fast food, music of paris, vainglorious bastards

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