Nardella woke around 8am to say goodbye to her sister and son and give them a hug. They left to drive back early
to miss the heavy crosstown traffic and get time in good order for the day.
Good Ya-Ya Sisterhood
The odd thing about Nardo (Nardella) and his/her sister, are they both have quite masculine tendencies, despite having
been raised by a loving mother. But they seem to be close to each other regardless, something I've not directly experienced.
With the exception of his newly growing spare tire and banana tits, which even his sister seems to overlook, I am miffed.
Question : Why don't they just become males? Why female? Can any (normal) women please answer this?
Sisters are compassionate as are women in general fairly accepting of idiosyncrasies in others. My own mother is tolerant
of my artistic temperament, albeit she doesn't really understand the creative personality. I overheard Nardo exchanging
niceties, "Give her a hug," her sister tells her son. Nardella seems to relate well to her sister,
she is her mom's daughter after all. Nardo's about to go out to get something to make himself breakfast. We have already eaten.
"Well, we might be gone by the time you get back," sister tells him. The he says "See you," to her son, in his intellectual male
way and leaves. We take grandson to the park, while the daughter packs up and everyone leaves. Nardo has left something cooking on
the stove while he goes out for groceries. I turn off the stove and start thinking about how scattered families always seem
with everyone going in different directions. No coherence, probably because lack of leadership from the male ape. So where's your
daddy when you need him? My own sister is far away and has her own family to deal with, so we only talk by phone remotely. I
have no memory of hugs or family intimacy. I'm pretty much a lone wolf when it comes to sheep's clothing...
Lulu Revenue Dans La Village - Ann Savoy
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