Fuck You Einstein

May 30, 2018 14:36

I got a hand job from Albert Einstein the other day...
It was a stroke of genius ~psp

Fuck you Einstein

You were a scientist and thought you were helping mankind, and you only served to obliterate half the
planet through your innovations in the hands of a trillion soulless military industrialists before your death.

“If you run naked around a tree, at about 185,899 km/sec, there is a high probability of fucking yourself” - Albert Einstein

Or, you can vote for politicians to obtain the exact same effect.

Einstein, 1951 photographed as a sex god

Famous Geniuses You Didn't Know Were Perverts

According to all of your science books and that one episode of Animaniacs, Albert Einstein, Time Magazine's Man of the Century, invented the theory of relativity. Certainly, when you hear the name Einstein, you undoubtedly will think "He discovered relativity" or "He came up with that E=mc2 equation" or "He was a total sex maniac."

When he wasn't sciencing the shit out of everything, Einstein spent his time postulating his dickwad into as many women as possible. Even though he was married twice (once to his cousin), he cheated on both of his wives with about 10 different women. Though in his defense, he presented his first wife with a list of rules, one of which was "expect neither intimacy nor fidelity." Before Einstein finally settled on his cousin Elsa, he apparently almost married her 22-year-old daughter instead (Elsa was his first cousin through his mother's side AND second cousin through his father's side. Then he supposedly got some side action from Elsa's sister when they were younger, which he defended in a letter to Elsa by pointing out "You can't blame me; we were young and she was willing." You can imagine he used the same defence when he was caught boning his best friend's niece years later. Einstein would also write to his stepdaughter and wife to tell them which women he was currently boning, and sometimes had his stepdaughter act as a messenger to deliver letters to his mistresses.

Henri Poincaré, mostly. Poincaré was the foremost expert on relativity in the late 19th century and was most likely the first person to formally present the theory of relativity. According to Einstein's famous On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, which contains his theories on relativity, Poincaré, despite publishing 30 books and over 500 papers, "is not worth mentioning".

According to Peter Galison's Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps: Empires of Time, Einstein and a small group of his fellow nerds formed a group called The Olympia Academy and would regularly gather to discuss their own works as well as the works of current scientists. It's interesting that Einstein sat studying and discussing the work of Poincaré for years, published a book that featured a theory that was startlingly similar to Poincaré's, and then didn't reference Poincaré once in the entire book.

Einstein, 1951 leaving site of nuclear explosion on his bike blowing smoke up his ass


does god exist?, einstein, fuck you like an animal

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