Narrdo Gets a Pet

May 19, 2018 20:26

The subject of dogs suddenly came up in conjunction with the loneliness Nardo experiences since his
narcoplexy causes him to lose friends and piss off people.

Meet Mr. Rabbit!

I think I mentioned he has been blind in one eye since after birth. Some infection affected his ability to distinguish things with his right brain, which may also explain why he’s always in his head and can’t feel what the dormouse said. I’m not sure he has a heart, but they say that people who gravitate towards animals are heart people, because, let’s face it, who in their right mind would choose to take responsibility for the care and feeding of another living creature. Life is complicated enough, as those of us who’ve raised children have found out the hard way.

So Nardo read somewhere in his travels on the internet that people on disability like himself could get a pet as a companion paid for by the system. And guess what, if you’re legally blind that goes double. They/we are willing to sponsor a pet, to help you work out the difficult things in life, like taking your dog for a walk, cleaning up after it and petting and feeding it.

Problem is, some of us have allergies to pet hair, and then there is the issue of space and where it will dwell so that it doesn’t eat all my shoes or worse yet, shit in them. So big dog, no. Then he finds out his game buddy show has a pug has a friend selling one for an affordable fee. So we look up pugs which rhymes with dogs and find they shed, 3 times a year. Great. So who will vacuum up that shit? So what? Will he actually look after it?

His intent was to get a big dog to take for walks because he himself walks a lot. So let’s see. Big messy dog is good for shit, take you on walks, but barks and sheds and knocks stuff over. OK, but a pug gets respiratory problems so wouldn’t be a good walker, but he could carry it, but then it sheds and shits as frequently, just smaller. We need to think about this.

Time passes and today he comes flying up the stair overjoyed about a person he found through a friend who is trying to find a home for a rabbit who’s has just passed away from, alcohol poisoning. Sound familiar? A perfect fit, a rabbit who understands addiction and lonely humans and doesn’t shed (much) or at least Nardo’s willing to contain it in its cage which it comes with, so it’s safely in its cage with a blanket over it, as we go to sleep. It arrived today, a girl friend brought it with all its accoutrements, shoed him how to care for it and left. Well that solves the shit problem and the hair problem and you can take a bunny for walks. A dog would have to be put in a box when we are away anyway. So let's see what happens here.

We now have a big rabbit in the back yard. He’s going to call it cinnamon bun, like the woman that he thinks he is, but i’m thinking it should be cinnamon bunny. Why not? I mean its coat is cinnamon! Well that’s fine and then as we were leaving to go out for the evening to a friend’s birthday, el nardo comes flying up the stair calling for a mop! Frantically explaining he left the water running in the laundry room to wash a rabbit blanket and in his usual habit, went off to his room to post pictures of his newly acquired companion on the internet and forgot he left the water on, until he flooded the laundry room in the basement next to his room.

So not having a wet mop, out came the towels to slop up the wet. We had to go out to a birthday party for a friend, and he seems to have taken care of it, or at least we hope. I haven’t been down there yet. I’ve been avoiding it. Thankfully Nardo lives in the basement, so he mostly has to deal with it. As for Mr Rabbit living with Nardo, like he (Nardo) needs yet another distraction, when he can’t even turn the stove off when he cooks or leave the water running while he gets distracted.

Imagine not cleaning up his room and the rabbit poop that will accumulate between clothes piles. This should be a good test to see if he is truly capable of taking on responsibility and caring for something other than himself. I wonder what rabbits like to eat besides furniture. I give bunny 3 months to live, I’m trying to be optimistic.

Or if Mr Rabbit lives with him long enough, we have a lot of hope for this rabbit, maybe we’ll just change his name to Cinnabunny so he can transgender along with Cinnamon Girl. Like on Russian-American shemale porn sites. I wonder if the ministry will also pay for that? Yes, my rabbit told he feels completely misunderstood and wishes to transgender so he can propagate and have big litters. ; )

Ain't life wonderful?


fast food, peta

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