2012, Strike Debt Occupy Wall Street Movement

Mar 26, 2018 10:46

On 15 November 2012, Strike Debt -- an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street Movement -- launched a project to buy up debt
belonging to ordinary Americans and abolish it so that they never have to pay it back. A year later the group's raised more
than $600,000 and already used two-thirds of that money to clear nearly $15m personal debt caused by medical bills. And now it
plans to go after student debt. We spoke to Andrew Ross from Strike Debt to find out more.

This is not an individual issue. This is a systemic issue.

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Imagine being tracked 24/7 by an invisible network, then classified and ranked according to a secret formula. Imagine your
“file” was full of inaccurate and discrediting information, yet it was being sold to critical decision-makers and used to compute a
numerical ranking which determined your ability to access the basic necessities of life-a roof over your head, basic utilities,
even a job. Imagine this (low-ball) number turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, sealing your fate in a financial caste system.

Dawn Lueck, one of the Debt Collective organizers, is currently working three jobs - waitressing, working at a yacht club
as well as freelancing in her chosen field - in order to make a living. The mother of two is worried about more than just her
more than $100,000 in student debt. Her daughter will be turning 17 in a month and plans to attend college to become a dentist.
The mother and daughter duo have been talking about how they will be able to pay for that. According to the Government
Accountability Office (GAO), 3% of those 65 and older carry student loan debt. That’s about 706,000 older households that owe
$18.2bn. In order to pay down their student loan debt, the US Treasury takes about $130 a month from the social security benefits
of anyone over 65 who still owes money. In 2013, the Treasury collected $150m that way from people who cannot afford it.


Debt Slave : My Question is who set up this debt system to begin with and who does it serve monetarily?
You don't have to play the horses. Why do we give away our power to comply with this system?

Here is an alternative to debt society : It is Called Barter for Trade or a Gifting Society

Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money
system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. http://sacred-economics.com/

Get off the Grid : You may want to join Global Non-compliance and tell our handlers to "Go to hell"
If you wish to understand this better go here : http://thecrowhouse.com/home.html

If you're not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

How's that working for you?


dr. π (pi)

fuck the fed, dead, death cab for cutie, money, fucked, eco folk

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