El Nardo Makes a Kilt

Feb 26, 2018 18:28

I've got to admire Gf for her encouragement with her 33 year old man woman, in not making him wrong about
wanting to transgender, regardless of what it appears.

El Nardo Goes to Parties

So she helped him buy some gawd awful expensive Guatemalan fabric to send to some trans designer he met online from France who made it into a kilt so that it's femme, yet manly and he won't look like a freak.

Thing is he does look like a freak, he's tall and has a deep voice, burly skin and really looks like a comedy act in his trans garb.

So his coming out event was going to a friend's LGBT wedding, where he underestimated he would stand out like an ugly princess and found himself challenged to attempt being authentically femme in his confused skin. He was completely fucked up emotionally for a week after that and even began drinking to kill those feelings I guess, which mom gently steered him back on track reminding him that his new baking job depended on him not being stupid and drinking his ass to death. He bought some cheap good-looking mail-order shoes from China on the internet, that didn't fit, but he was determined to break them in like a good little dolly and fucked his feet up wearing them. He also got some weird psychedelic knee-high stocking to go with the kilt, which makes him stand out like a sore thumb on transit as he headed there for the weekend.

Basically this colour, but add some splash to it...

To top it off he underestimated that it was a Scottish wedding and that there would be conventional kilts men there, so he would stand out like a circus performer. I guess they expected him to be the entertainment or at least the topic of the evening, which he was not prepared for emotionally, since he hasn't gotten a sex change yet to go with his beard. He spent the aftermath of that wedding crashed at his gaming buddies moping about his time ill spent. Mommy also discussed makeup with him, to the effect of having his own makeup kit. He suddenly realized how high maintenance (and expensive) being a women is going to get. So that was the wedding and a funeral, that killed his spirit.

But Nardo doesn't give up easily so he took yet another kick at the cat this weekend and attended a kink party, at which a sexually promiscuous friend of GF was also at, probably letting it all hang out in nothing but body paint, since she's a 45 year old exhibitionist and a fire twirler who dances at festivals, so she's an attention whore and wants to coach Nardo around it. She, and her kinked out friends, are there for him. So is this as good as it gets? He dressed up once again in his weird kilt and makeup with an Indiana Jones leather safari hat and leather waist coat, which he fancied himself a gentleman in previously. This time he shaved his legs and God knows what else. No girly coat yet and no big heels, just utilitarian socialist hiking boots to go with the psychedelic kilt.

You can leave your hat on...

This time he posted on FB what a time he had, dancing in his quirky element, to party with all the other freaky people, at the pride fundraising event. He said he was euphoric and never felt so acknowledged by others. His gay gaming friend caught wind of it and texted back, did he have a safe place to crash? He said he did, but they insisted he should stay over with them just to be sure he doesn't get the shit kicked out of him or worse. So I'm not sure what happened after that, but that's all more than I need to know. Every time he walks through the front door after his wild weekends, he looks like a confused slut, with great circus appeal in my conservative planet.

So today they went to a shoe store with a spring sale to get him shoes that won't kill his achilles heel.

Stay Human (Album Version) - Michael Franti

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dr. π (pi)


fast food, clitoral heart, food spoils, trance dance

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