Lighting the Olympic Torch

Nov 10, 2017 10:52

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Today's result

The light was good today. The sun was out and the skylights full of light and I could see to mix colour shades properly on my palette and got a lot of detail onto the left side of the canvas working my way across one element and one figure at a time. On smaller pieces I work simultaneously on all fronts, throwing clarity in place like a photo developing and slowly appearing. This canvas is 8 feet and I have to step back quite a way to see the whole thing and assess what it needs and where, so I spend more time looking and moving back and forth than I do painting in smaller circumstances. Last time I did this large a canvas was when I got the home alcove commission. It was a dream job, and I was deflated when it abruptly ended because the patron passed away. Time is the enemy. Here too time is the enemy working to a deadline of 3 weeks turnkey. Luke, I am not your father, go to the light… On with the show!

Have a great day!

painting, art

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