Every Bunny Knows! Va-ttoo, Vajazz and All That Stuff !! +18

Jan 04, 2017 21:22

Va-ttooing, Vajazzling and Other Innovative Ways To re-Decorate Your Lady Parts for 2017

Vulva knowledge is good for everyone - whether you carry one around all day or love someone who does. And there are craft projects!

Amber Rose Levonchuck Born 21st October 1983 In Philadelphia, PA

First, a brief word on terminology. Vulva is used here to describe the genital region that can be seen from the outside (clitoris, lips, vaginal opening, etc).
Vagina means the passage between the outside world and the uterus. However, let's not be anal about people using “vagina” to refer to the whole shebang!!

Va-ttoo You.. 2015 Was An Outrageous Year In Vagina Trends. We are now entering 2017, let's see what the year holds in store..

All vulvas are not created equal. The inner labia (labia minora) are perhaps the most diverse part of women’s genitals. The color of women’s inner labia may vary greatly from one woman to the next. They may be a shade of pink, red, brown, gray, black, or slightly purple (particularly as women become sexually aroused and blood flow increases to the genitals, as the inner labia are filled with blood vessels; inner labia also sometimes darken in color while a woman is pregnant). The outer ridges of the inner labia are often darker than the rest of the labia. Similarly, in one study, forty-one of fifty women (92 percent) had genitals that were darker than the skin around their genitals.

One of the names for the vaginal entrance (where the hymen is) and its surrounding area is “vestibule”, which is also what a church’s entrance is called. Some people have likened churches to vulvas in their design and in their ability to give birth to new life. Although today's churches might no consider vaginas "holy", they truly are a sanctuary for the weary.

Women’s desires for a “designer vagina” is on the upswing in North America and Britain. The hymen is at the vagina’s entrance. Some lovely Madonnas are thinking of immaculate conception in getting their hymens repaired to simulate the experience of losing their virginity over again for the very first time! Wrinkly lips? Try a vaginal facial and restore that teen queen beauty! Vaginal piercings. his handy guide at The Piercing Bible gives you the proper low-down on your labia. Or enjoy a labiaplasty to reform the look and feel of your labia. Try colouring your pubes or get a pubic hair extension to accentuate that muff!

Willy Nelson Muff Tattoo for Country Girls

Not into Willy? Get Your Pubes Shaped Into A Heart-shape or Yesterday's Brazilian

Vajazzle to Dazzle Your Sex Partner! For the Rhinestone Cowboy..

There is a private competition to see who can have the most glamourous reproductive organ

Get your va-jay-jay sparkling! Stick-on Swavorski crystals, Coco de Mer offers the Butterfly Merkin, a peel-and-stick rhinestone ploughboy for your lady parts. There is designer vagina soap, vajazzle, or clitter (see below), but just when you thought you've run out of creative ideas, here is yet another way to add glam and glitz to your clit. Va-ttoo a permanent thong on your bikini parts!

Never feel naked again in a permanent thong!

Sandy Rae Hunter Gives a Peek at Her Thong and Tattoo

Octopus Like a Labyrinth to Find Your Labia When He (or She) Goes Down on You!

Glitter for your clitter. It's glitter! For your vagina!

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I Love My Muff : ...ilovemymuff.com is a line of products that includes vagina wash, vagina spray, vagina lotion, and vagina wipes (for the muff on the go!) in very attractive packaging, and with very attractive ingredients that are all biodegradable, non-toxic and fragrance-free. They’re vegan, too, which means that no matter your partner’s dietary restrictions, he or she will still be able to eat you out.

Or for the ultimate in personal pleasure get The G-Shot: A cosmetic filler which enlarges the G-Spot!!

During intercourse more blood flows to her genitals. Her heart rate and breathing increase. And her vagina? It lubricates and tents. Vaginas are usually only three to four inches long. And erect penises are five to six inches long on average. During sexual arousal, muscular tension pulls the uterus upward, which makes more room in a woman’s vagina (after all, the uterus is at the far end of the vagina, so when it lifts up, more space is created). This process is called “vaginal tenting.”

Peaches - Fuck The Pain Away (Pink Vinyl)

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Women as Flowers


dr. π (pi)


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