Gay Saturday Quentin Crisp

Dec 10, 2016 19:02

Aren't we all a little bit Gay?

"The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying
their parents and copying one another" - Quentin Crisp December 25 , 1908 - November 21, 1999 brainyquotes

What It Means to be Crisp

Born Denis Charles Pratt in Sutton, South London, on Christmas Day December 25, 1908, the fourth child of solicitor Spencer Charles Pratt
(1871-1931) and former governess Frances Marion Pratt (née Phillips; 1873-1960), Quentin Crisp became a gay icon in the 1970s after publication
of his memoir, The Naked Civil Servant, describing his life in homophobic British Society. A self-described effeminate behaviour, Crisp
changed his name in his early 20s as part of his process of reinvention as a flamboyant homosexual. Teased mercilessly at school as a boy,
Crisp left school in 1926 and worked as a rent-boy in his teens. He then spent thirty years as a professional model for life-classes in
art colleges. He studied journalism at King's College London, but failed to graduate. He then moved on to take art classes at Regent Street
Polytechnic. Crisp began visiting the cafés of Soho, London, and even worked as a prostitute for six months. Far from a conventional suburban
background, Crisp was always true to himself and expressed himself by dying his long hair lavender, polishing his fingernails and toenails,
and dressing in an often androgynous style. Despite the ridicule and violence often directed toward him, Crisp carried on. He tried to join
the army with the outbreak of World War II, but was rejected by the medical board, who determined that he was suffering from sexual perversion.
Instead, Crisp remained in London during the Blitz, entertaining American GIs, whose friendliness inculcated a love for Americans. Crisp
remained fiercely independent and unpredictable into old age. He caused controversy and confusion in the gay community by jokingly calling
AIDS "a fad", and homosexuality "a terrible disease". At the death of Princess Diana he spoke, "She could have been Queen of England - and
she was swanning about Paris with Arabs. Quentin Bio

Quentin Crisp's handwriting and signature, from a dedication on the title page of How To Become A Virgin (1981)

Sequel to The Naked Civil Servant, in "How To Become A Virgin" Mr. Crisp tells of his life after the first book was published, and how
the TV version came about, and his first trip to the U.S. In 1981 age 80, he upd and left the UK bound for New York, stayed in the
Chelsea Hotel intitialy and with few possessions found a small apartment in Manhattan's Lower East Side. Crisp is hailed as a poignant
observer of western society. St. Quentin, the patron saint of homosexuals. The first, the original, sought after for his wit, but never
vilified in the press except by other jealous guys...

Crisperanto! ...Quentin Crisp Archives

Sting - Englishman In New York

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"If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style" - Quentin Crisp brainyquotes

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