Love and Sex

Jun 12, 2016 09:09

Love and Sex

I wish to differentiate for myself, to contrast the difference
between simply to “have sex” and to actually “make love”

To have sex is to touch the surface, to scratch an itch, to express release
whereas to make love is the spiritual connection between two beings
that warms the heart and fills the memory in endless feeling
You can purchase sex, whereas to make love, is priceless..
Sex is temporary and once you taste of it you want and need more
To make love has a lasting fulfilment that lingers in our memory a lifetime
Sex is hungry, sex is empty, sex is longing, do you ever yearning
Love satisfies our hunger, fulfills our longing, with love one feels complete
Sex is an addiction or affliction, whereas love is an affection
Sex is quick and dirty and happens anywhere you get the urge
Love is premeditated and takes time to unfold perhaps lingers in the air
Sex is a storm, where love is a season, maybe a lifetime of dancing
Sex is self gratification by rubbing against an object to climax, any body will do
whereas love respects specific pairing with appreciation for and attention to the other
Sex ends with smoking a cigarette, like a smoking gun
whereas love shares an afterglow in the heat of the night or the warmth of the sun
If one achieves enough gratitude sex can grow into love
as long as the object of our lust is not taken for granted
Sex is fast and flippant, love is slow and deep, sex is hard and sparring
Love is soft and exploring, love winds its way through rivers of living ~ psp

Sex is a scene, love is the camera...

Originally posted by carabaas at Это очень одинокая профессия...

It's a very lonely profession

Leon Levinstajn (Leon Levinstein) (1910-1988)-photographer, Visual surprises. His motto was: "my photos I want to look at life on ordinary things-as if I turned the corner and came across them for the first time in my life."

"Freshness, purified from cataracts, platitudes, was his daily credo. It's hard to imagine how many thousands of kilometres of film I wound in wandering New York with a camera in my entire life." As a result of this unusual creative approach we have an amazing mosaic of the underbelly of New York-strange snapshots, turned out legs, bellies and breasts. What in our memories is the subliminal image of the Big Apple. Before our eyes in these photos the image going into something whole, shaky and flickers once again breaks into tiny crumbs of life. There remains something subtle, something that even words cannot portray. And for some reason I remember an aphorism by Franz Kafka: "life at all time distracts our attention, and we are not able to understand why. Maybe it is in these photos of Leon Levinstein that contains a hint at the answer.


sex is better than chocolate, love sex and heart

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