Originally posted by
gonzo21 at
post Crowley's Boleskine House is currently burning down
Or actually by now burnt down, because the fire brigade will have it out by now.
Anybody aware of any occult significance in today's date?
Boleskine House
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Boleskine House (boll-ESS-kin) was the estate of author and occultist Aleister Crowley from 1899 to 1913. It is located on the South-Eastern shore of Loch Ness in Scotland, two miles east of the Village of Foyers.★★★★★Crowley purchased the home in order to perform the operation found in The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abra-Melin the Mage. To perform it, Crowley says,
"One must have a house where proper precautions against disturbance can be taken; this being arranged, there is really nothing to do but to aspire with increasing fervor and concentration, for six months, towards the obtaining of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel."
In The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Chapter 22), he continues,
"The first essential is a house in a more or less secluded situation. There should be a door opening to the north from the room of which you make your oratory. Outside this door, you construct a terrace covered with fine river sand. This ends in a "lodge" where the spirits may congregate."
Crowley eventually sold the manor in order to fund the publication of The Equinox, Vol. III. However, he later alleged that the funds were stolen by the Grand Treasurer General of Ordo Templi Orientis, George MacNie Cowie.