Irish Night, ahead...

Mar 15, 2007 14:16


A row was held for the camp of Alexander
a row was heard for miles along the water;
The room was spare, the crowd was barren
the souls were there, but without warrant;
Quite a stew and quite a pickle
made us all a wee bit fickle;
The band was lame, the dancing dames
set the crowded room aflame, then...
the bagpipes came! "Why, they're not even Irish!" said Flaherty,
"...and they drink scotch, not whiskey!"
They left a bloomin' boomin' in me 'ead
that echoed to the Kingdom of the Dead!
50/50 - half a chance, to win a date with Father Finn,
get meself plastered and confess me sins;
Dare I start a feud without the words
'bout Dylan Thomas and Robbie Burns?
"Bildungromans!" I said. Lucky Luke was undecided...?
Shally-Shue or maybe Irish; Katherine won the lottery,
to save the old school plottery; Ginny ginning gin...
Clayton was a gentleman, buying drinks for the ladies
and chatting up the men,
Gordon on Gordon came and went,
came by himself, and left with a brunette
to celebrate his ninety-first birthday in his bed,
"Me beating heart be still!" I said;
So I had me Mac'Guiness stout, instead...
snuck out the back, and went home to bed

luke 3:20-05

It was in a state of advanced liquid refreshment that Dylan met his future wife, Catlin Macnamara. Together they became a force to be reckoned with, as Macnamara was just as wild as the Welsh wordsmith.

A stranger has come
To share my room in the house not right in the head,
A girl mad as birds.

'Love in the Asylum' (Death and Entrances,1946)
Right-click link to open page in new window:

Rolling in the Clover;
Right-click link to open video in new window:
Right-click link to open page in new window:
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas' Wales

Tale Of A Tub ~ by Jonathan Swift
The "tale," or narrative, is an allegory about religion that concerns the adventures of three brothers, Peter, Martin, and Jack, as they attempt to make their way in the world. Watch them turn coat as the going gets hot! Mohamed also believes in hell...
Right-click link to open page in new window:
The Jist of It
Tale of a Tub Online Reader

"Whoever has an ambition to be heard in a crowd must press, and
squeeze, and thrust, and climb with indefatigable pains, till he has
exalted himself to a certain degree of altitude above them. Now, in
all assemblies, though you wedge them ever so close, we may observe
this peculiar property, that over their heads there is room enough;
but how to reach it is the difficult point, it being as hard to get
quit of number as of hell." Jonathan Swift, Tale of a Tub

"--Evadere ad auras,
Hoc opus, hic labor est." {59}

Buildungromans ~ "Disappearing Beer" in Tales From The Pub

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Tales From The Pub ~ Adventures in Beer and Wine
Right-click link to open video in new window: for more tales from a disappearing universe
The Other Glass
Meet Beeba
I Hear It Too
Not Her, Her
Message From Beyond
The Return
The Invisible Unseen
Puppet For Your Thoughts
Mind Over Matter
The Vision
The Death Napkin
There’s Somebody Here
The Premonition
Past Life

st patricks day, shamrocks, leprechauns, whiskey and beer, poem, tales from the pub, rainbows and gold

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