Jan 22, 2025 15:26
Man has separated himself from reason (paraphrased)
[ Man has separated himself from reason. So, modern man now lives in a dichotomy, wherein reason leads to despair. Man is meaningless without value. The area of humanistic reason is now mechanistic existence governed in science, while optimism or meaning and values is governed solely by will. This division between methodology and existence produces separation and dichotomy, two separate realities, two parallel worlds. We must face the danger of installing any thing can be entered into our arena of reality, no matter what one chooses to put there, because without reason - discernment, or judgment and value are lost. Everything relies on personal will. Attempt to marry the traditional classical logos of Aristotle and the philosophy of Plato and Christianity, ended in religious liberalism.
The philosophes responsible for this split in reality come from the thinking of secular existentialism of Sartre, Camus, Jaspers and Heidegger, compounded by theological existentialism of Kierkegaard, and Karl Barth, culminating with Schweitzer’s Quest For The Historical Jesus, which caused a rift between solid reason and historical evidence pitted against the purely spiritual and theological choice to follow good. It left mankind with a word God, unprovable by reason and evidence, disregarding the written Word as claimed conjecture, that an unknown, and possibly unknowable creator even exists. We are left with the theological word game of existential methodology. Man vs everything.
So where does that leave us? Immanuel Kant could not bring together the nuemenal and phenomenal worlds leaving us no way to explain why evil exists. Hindus believe cruelty is equal to non-cruelty, which they call God, a word, failing to acknowledge that the Bible states, that the Word is God. This subtle distinction is then used to discount the merit of good, and justify shifting reality of sexual morality, or legal and political agendas which serve the profit of money power or wealth. This is then justified in the old pagan adage of survival of the cruelest. Without the infinite personal God, creator and father, Neitzsche points out, “all man can do is make ‘systems’ .“ ] - How should we then Live? The rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, Francis A Schaeffer
dr. π (pi)
existential woman,