Don't believe the bullshit about climate change, we are experiencing sun flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and geomagnetic storms can send
bursts of energy toward Earth.
Other names considered for Canada before its inception:
*Albionora - Albion of the north
*Borealia - from "borealis," the Latin word for "northern"
*Cabotia - in honour of Italian explorer John Cabot, who explored the eastern coast of Canada for England
*Efisga - an acronym for "English, French, Irish, Scottish, German, Aboriginal"
*Hochelaga - a variation of an Iroquois term, either for "beaver path" or for "big rapids" - the name of an Indigenous village Cartier visited
on what is now the island of Montreal
*Kanata - meaning “village” or “settlement” Huron-Iroquois word from 1535
*Mesopelagia - "land between the seas"
*Superior (ala Lake..)
*Transatlantia or Transatlantica
*Tuponia or Tupona - a combination, called an acrostic, derived from "the United Provinces of North America"
*Ursalia - "place of bears"
*Vesperia - from Roman mythology, meaning "land of the evening star"
*Victorialand - in honour of Queen Victoria
via A new name has suddenly appeared on the horizon as North Americans attempt to create economic and military unity..
*Diagalon, The Myth and The Magic
Wrongly labeled the Canadian white supremacist movement during the Canada 2022 Truckers Freedom Convoy to send a citizen's message
to Ottawa, Diagolon was labeled a Canadian alt-right organization, by the US Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism.
An out-of-touch House of Commons of Canada report called it a "violent extremist organisation." WTF
What began as a joke against the insanity of government mishandling of the Covid lockdown plandemic of 2020, the only thing the so called
powers that be got right is that the name was conceived by ex-military satirical podcaster Jeremy MacKenzie, an ordinary Canadian just describing
what he sees. Media continues to paint the comedy troupe as a “far-right extremist group” after broadcasting a drunken comment of raping a Canadian
leader's wife, who invested in the manufacture of the mRNA bioweapon, which is continuing to cause deaths from comorbidities such as heart attack
and turbo cancer due to compromised immunity. According to a 2022 House of Commons report, Diagolon’s policies include preparing for a “race war,”
which is another way of describing the very real immigration crises western countries, which politicians seem to be in denial of. The real joke is that
authorities perceive the meme as real and a threat to dictatorial demoncratic" rule by existing stakeholders, stating "The Diagolon Movement is deploying
"Militant Accelerationism". Three guys on a podcast scared the shit out of criminal leaders to manufacture the excuse to lock down the nations,
the militant accelerationism, which includes a handful of podcast followers. Ha-hah ))
Jeremy MacKenzie, the founder of the online group “Diagolon”
via Diagalon is the incorporation of common sense peoples from the mining, forestry, energy bread baskets America from Florida to Alaska
including the American midwest and Canadian prairies, ie. farming country. People with common sense.
So, if you believe any of this nonsense, simply shove your head back up your ass and fill your boots.
Hypothetically, Could Canada defend itself against America?
via The joke's on you !!
dr. π (pi)