I'm Dis-Remembered and My Bones Decay...

May 28, 2015 15:43

Back to the Drawing Bored

Dumb fuck broke my truck
then slammed the door, shut
The boy can’t help it
He’s just a fuck up.

Bunch of fucking monkeys
painting pictures with our keys
Used to smearing shit on walls,
scratch with sticks until - sniff..
we evolved; We compete
for the Jungle Book
Erectus picanthropus;
Big monkey business !!
This form of higher conscience
aware of ourselves,
This cosmic consciousness
as within so without.
Back to the drawing board

Bunch o’ fucking monkeys
hungry for eye candy
searching the internets
looking for maladies
the naked truth;
haunting our sleep..
All we want to do is
to fuck and to eat
I wish to eat you
You want to eat meat;
So, eat me!
Back to the drawing board

Ancient hieroglyphs, incant
from hero to hierophant,
from microbe to elephant
and back to primitive again,
Bathroom stalls and tenement halls
Grave gravity, cave graffiti,
Headstones or signposts
art on walls, art on the street
Fuck you, fuck me..
Telephone post directories
For a good time call - Sloane
Eat me Seymour!
eat me,
Back to the drawing board - psp

The Miracle On 34th Street is a Christmas story and series of movies that deal with a man who claims
to be the real Santa Claus. Santa has a wife called “Mrs Santa Claus.”

42nd Street is a street in Manhattan, NYC, that was once known for it’s porno theaters and prostitutes
before it was cleaned up in the early 1990’s.

The new miracle is on 42nd Street, where Santa’s wife is a hooker. Necro is getting blown by her and
refers to his dick as a candy cane, a traditional Christmas candy. Mrs. Clause gives a great BJ, to the
point that she’ll make a man need a vasectomy, a procedure to sterilize a man by cutting off his sperm
supply. You fucked up maggot gonna get yo' ass whipped!

Read my Flaming Lips, Baybay!

image Click to view

The Flaming Lips - Miracle on 42nd Street

image Click to view

The Flaming Lips - Shaved Gorilla (Shaved Gurlzuh..)

Did She Break My Aching Heart?


santa claus, goddam santa, scarface, music of paris, miss wet t-shirt

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