Is there a doctor in the house?
Today has been a clusterfuck, as we ran out the door early to take GF to the walk-in clinic
to have her rib checked from her fall in the bathtub earlier this week. It seems to be bruised
or possibly displaced or even cracked, she has consistent pain and needs to have an x-ray just
to make certain it's not broken. That was first on our agenda.
So I dropped her off at the clinic and walked across to get an early espresso, but got an acid cup of shit.
The barista was by *him/herself both taking orders and serving a lineup of morning customers, their joe.
Her name was Zack, she was short and wore a mask and talked like a man, over-confident of him/herself.
I got the dregs of that.
Having done a bunch of errands after GF got instructions to talk to a doc later by phone, nobody even
saw her in person, I helped her get through the morning and went to meet a friend late afternoon
for a coffee in our busy schedules. It took three tries to align a time we both could meet. I could now
grab a late espresso done right and sit down to enjoy it rather than to slug it on the run and puke
out the window as we're driving. So, here we go!
Canada has a new automated health system, to help patients avoid waiting for hours in lines at clinics,
through which GF obtained an x-ray appointment, sight unsee, to have her rib checked out thoroughly.
Since covid, many people no longer have family doctors, I've only seen my doctor once in 4 years,
now only by phone when he calls me and tells me to take multi-vitamins. I mean, what's the point?
How can they diagnose anything sight unseen? The one time I did see him, he still requires masks
at his clinic. Medicare all paid for by our taxes. Yeesh!
I'm sure GF will be alright, but it's better to be safe. If you haven't got your health, you have nothing.
So many people are sick I know, with crone's, kidney failure, some immune deficiency, cancer,
and on and on... It's a sick old world. I'm just happy to be alive.
First world problems, no less.
dr. π (pi)