The Trumpet Sounds

Nov 17, 2024 19:44

How Milton herein Trump proclaimed..

Now had the great Proclaimer with a voice
More awful then the sound of Trump, they cried
Repentance, and Heavens Kingdom nigh at hand [ 47 ]
To all Baptiz'd: to his great Baptised flock
With aw the Regions round, and with them came
Nigh Thunder-struck, th' exalted man, to whom
Such high attest was giv'n, a while survey'd
With wonder, then with envy fraught and rage
Flies to his place, nor rests, but in mid air
To Councel summons all his mighty Peers

The Gentiles; henceforth Oracles are ceast,
And thou no more with Pomp(eo) and Sacrifice

To thee not known, whence hast thou then thy truth,
But from him, or his Angels President
In every Province, who themselves disdaining

What wonder then if I delight to hear
If it may stand her more in stead to lye,
Say and unsay, feign, flatter, or abjure?
Her dictates from thy mouth? most men endure
Vertue, who followeth not her lore: permit me
To hear thee when I come (since no man comes)
And talk at least, though I despair to attain. - Paradise Regain'd
Excerpts from the First Book of Paradise, John Milton ~psp

Pomp (Pompeo), Vertue (Harris)

dr. π (pi)

socio-political, propaganda

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