damn it, internet, HEAR ME

Aug 05, 2011 14:03

bitching about shit in 140 characters just doesn't work for me. i guess my payback to forgetting about lj for 3 weeks is that i actually now want to vent longhand.

this bitch is about regretsy and the hobo wedding, sort of. except i don't give a shit about how much anyone spends on their wedding and whether or not having 15k to spend on a wedding is "poor" and whether "hobo" is some sort of cultural icon rather than an amalgamation of destitute migrants during the great depression. what it is about is how people make the happiest day of their lives open for the public consumption by strangers and then cryabeetus when those strangers are offended and mean.

here's my take on a tangential fraction of this issue: if you are an artist who expects to actually make a living and fund your life and pay for a mortgage by selling goods and services on the internets, then you're TAKING MONEY FROM OTHER PEOPLE. you therefore better be providing goods and services that people WANT, and you better be a human being that people are willing to give their money to. they are your customers, your audience. so if you CHOOSE to use your wedding to promote your business and link a million etsy stores for all the handmade/vintage/upcycled crap you spent lots of money on, you've exposed yourself to the world. you can't promote yourself without expecting backlash, and you can't turn around and insult your audience if you expect to continue to live at the mercy of other people's consumption. regretsy provides a service whereby sarcastic and snarky people get their rocks off on insulting people. etsy allows "artists" to sell headless woman-shaped stuffed pillows with slits. it's all relative. so don't act like you never asked for all the criticism. you PUT IT OUT THERE AND ASKED PEOPLE TO BUY IT, and now you're crying because a bunch of people criticized your art and didn't like your aesthetic. you had the opportunity to say, "sorry you were offended by my shit, and sorry you took it personally. it wasn't about you; it was about us. maybe we shouldn't have made it so public if we didn't want the criticism, but we didn't equate the hobo and poverty," blah blah blah. BUT NO. instead, the happy couple took the tactic of insulting the insulters, and basically said that the regretsy outrage and offense taken is bullshit, and that they couldn't afford a "normal" wedding on 15k and so they went with a hobo/DIY/handmade theme. all the while talking about their choice to quit corporate jobs and be poor for their art. which, again, means they have the luxury of expecting someone to buy their artistic works without working jobs they hate to, you know, eat.

i fucking hate art which is contemptuous of it's audience, ie, if i don't like it, then i just don't "get" it, i'm not smart enough/cool enough to.
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