I don't know what this says about my facebook usage, but here are my top ten followers this week:
1. Boyfriend
hanelissar (of the marmfish persuasion)
3. SS, Uni Archery Club Person Who Lives in My Building
4. NGWF (I don't think she hs an LJ, from the green wing fandom)
5. Chinese Friend from Home
hollomaphone (another GWinger)
7. Blond Flat Mate
tearoha (of the sounisian persuasion)
9. Cat Flat Mate (but only because BFM facebook-raped her to like everything on my wall)
jade_sabre_301 (anther sounisian)
Is it odd that 5/10 people are from the internet? Oh well.
I am finding it very odd this week, because normally, when I'm at a loose end, I wander into the Conspiracy Room. This I cannot do for fear of being spoiled for A Conspiracy of Kings (which came out yesterday, read it, and OMG I just realised the names match!).
Also, I have been nominated and voted in as Social Sec for Archery Club. Why, I cannot say. I am going to need ideas next year for social themes. :) (For example, this year we hve had 'archery colours', 'sky', 'medieval', 'where's wally', 'christmas', and the christmas formal.)
How is my f-list doing this week?