Phishing does not mean hooking

May 07, 2006 11:08

VERY realistic looking site. I hit the 'view code' to see if they Kiddy-hacked the site and they certainly did. Just a copy and paste of the Pay Pal HTML.

Here's the email I just received back. I went back and kiddy hacked the server and it is some Italian site, the phisher is named Andrea.

Dear Pi ©,Thank you for contacting PayPal. We appreciate you bringing
this suspicious email to our attention.Commonly referred to as
phishing, these emails are sent by fraudsters inan attempt to collect
sensitive personal or financial information from the recipients. PayPal
takes phishing threats seriously.  Our fraud prevention specialists are
working 24/7 to help protect you and enable the community to stay
safe.After review, we can confirm that the email you received was not
sent by PayPal. Any website which may be linked to this email is not
authorized or used by PayPal. Our fraud prevention team is working
to disable any website linked to this email. In the meantime, please do not
enter any information into this website. If you have already done so, you
should immediately log into your PayPal account and change your password, as
well as your security questions and answers. We also recommend that you
contact your bank and credit card company immediately. If you notice
any unauthorized activity on your PayPal account, please report it to us by
following the instructions below: 1. Log in to your account only from
the PayPal website.  Do not use links provided in any email. 2.
Click on the Security Center link at the bottom of the page. 3. Click on
the 'Unauthorized Transaction' link under the Report a Problem column.
4. Follow the instructions on this page in order to access the
appropriate form. Lastly, we recommend taking a few steps to protect
yourself from identity theft:; Download the SafetyBar, a toolbar
for Outlook and Outlook Express, which identifies known spoof
emails.; Get eBay Toolbar with Account Guard which warns you when you're
on a potentially fraudulent (spoof) Web site.Frequently monitor
your account for suspicious activity.For additional tips please visit
the PayPal Security Center at account.

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