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Mar 16, 2006 16:53

Try this one on. Did any of you haXors know that XP-Media Center Edition can't be hooked up to a domain out of the box? I sure as fuck didn't. Nobody in my office did either.

In keeping with trying to spend as much money as possible on work shit so I don't get nailed with a huge tax bill come NEXT April 15, I've purchased a new laptop. The new laptop purchase was predicated by an upgrade of an app that is about six years old. So what do I do? Head to Costco because of their liberal return policy. I still grumbled at the bill, but the existing laptop was about a year old when 9/11 ocurred. SOooooo...I migrate the data over last night (Ged bless Aloha Bob) go to the office this morning, and call my IT admin. She was having a slow day and so she headed down to my neck of the empire and started off by deleting McAfee. Fuck McAfee. I'd rather have somebody keylog my restroom habits than to allow their destructive program on to my computers. EVER. AGAIN. So Mel shows up and she gets to work. She can't get it to connect to the domain. WTF? Its all grayed out. Was it something I did? No. Was the OS loaded corrupt? No. On to Google. Google sez XP-MCE can't be hooked to a domain. Why? Because Bill Gates wants an annuity every time one of his over-vested programmers fixes their own goddam malicious screwups. But they explain it by saying that it is because XP-M is designed for the 'home user'. Now why the hell would a home user need a fucking laptop? While IT-girl was on the phone I busted in to regedit and tried a fix that she came up with. Nope. CMD.EXE was no help either. Time to call in the big guns. Our big gun looks like he's 12 years old and a buck-ten after thanksgiving dinner. The 12 year old is giving a lecture up in North County. One doesn't just 'call' the 12 year old. He must be summoned. Preferably with a sacrifice. This guy is good. Meanwhile I'm not getting FUCKALL done. I'm fielding phone calls blind. This is two days now with a goddam handicap and I NEED TO WORK. Anybody got a quick (or not so quick) fix for this? The 12 yo is giving it a crack(hack) right now.
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