This is Morris' (pignacious) daughter. I have some very sad news for all of his friends he has made throughout the years. My father got admitted to the hospital January 6th due to a collapsed lung, which was common with his disease. That healed up just fine within a few days, but he needed rehab to help him get back to just a canula oxygen hose, instead of the bipap machine. He was getting stronger each day and back to walking like he was before he went to the hospital. However, one particular employee of the hospital did not listen to us and chose to ask the insurance company for a rehab facility we could send him too. Our family had already said no to the transfer, because any new place is very scary to go to when he's on an alternate treatment and not a standard one. Anyway, that employee got her wish and the insurance set up the transfer within 12 hours, giving us no time to stop it at all. She also lied to us saying that insurance had refused to pay past that day of transfer, which we found out was untrue. Long story short though, he got transferred two hours away from home to a dirty rehab facility. They never once tried to get him out of bed like the hospital was doing, or wean him off the machine. Instead they took away his medication for his alternate treatment like we feared, and shortly after his body began to fail because he had no working immune system without that medicine. Despite us warning the doctors what would happen if they took him off that medicine, and EVEN getting medical professionals to tell them not to, they refused to listen and my father passed away 02-04-08 at 8:30 in the morning from cardiac arrest. They ended up pumping tons of toxins into his body to *try* to make him better instead of giving him the one medicine he needed. He put up a struggle but in the end his heart gave out.
I am very sorry to give you this news, but I knew you all would be interested. He had actually been getting better with his disease on this treatment, until the rehab visit. His skin sarc was completely cleared, and his lung sarc had begun to clear up already. Just in case any of you are interested, I'm going to post a link to the research foundation that has helped my father and 100's of others so much already. They are looking for donations to help the funding of the FDA and continued research. My father loved you all and talked fondly of you guys. We shall miss him greatly. If you'd like to help out and donate either via paypal, or snail mail all the information is on this site.