hold me & love me - signature tutorial.

Aug 11, 2009 21:19

Program: Photoshop CS3 Extended.
Translatable: Possibly?
Steps: 12.
.PSD: No, sorry! Please do not ask, it will not be given out.


Make a new document (CTRL + N) and set it to 400x150. Feel free to make the dimensions bigger, I just like my signatures small since I use them on forums.


Take this texture by treasuresex and paste it on a new layer. Move it around so that the flowers from the frame are on the right side like so. Make sure the left side has a good amount of empty space.


Take the same texture by treasuresex, paste it on a new layer, and resize it so the frame with the flowers covers up the majority of the left side of your signature. Set this layer to Darken 100% to get rid of any unwanted showing edges.


Now take this image from fakingfashion, paste it on a new layer, and resize and rotate it a bit so it fits perfectly into the frame. Set this layer to Darken 100%. You may need to cut out some of the edges a bit to make it look like the picture is in the frame perfectly. You can zoom into the picture and use your polygon lasso tool to trim the edges. However, it does not need to be perfect.


Now take this frame texture by so_out_of_focus. You're going to need to save it to your computer since it's a transparent .png file and open it in photoshop yourself to get the certain result, so make sure when you open it in photoshop that it comes out with a transparent background. Resize the frame down to a reasonable size that will fit your signature. After resizing, desaturate the frame to make it black and white. Now take this image from fakingfashion, paste it on a new layer, and resize it so it fits within the frame. Make sure when you do this that you are on the same opened document of the frame texture, not the signature document. Also, make sure the image is on a layer that's under the layer with the frame to make a perfect fit. After you've done all that, go to Layer > Merge Visible so the frame and picture merge together with a transparent background. With your selection tool (hit M), copy your framed image and then go back to your signature document and paste it on a new layer. Move it to the right side so it covers up a majority of the flowers.


I didn't like all the weird gaps and empty spaces, so I decided to do something different. I made a new layer and dragged it under the layer with the framed image from step 5. Now with the rectangular marquee tool (hit M) I made an reasonable sized rectangle and filled it with black, which then went under all the frame textures. However, the rectangle I made went over the framed picture from step 4. What I did was cut out portions of the rectangle that went over the frame. Again with your polygon lasso tool, cut out parts of the rectangle that went over the framed picture from step 4. After I got my rectangle to look perfect, I also added a spray paint brush from gomedia just for an overall look.


The black bar looks a bit plain and boring in the overall mix of the signature, so on a new layer I decided to stamp on a tiny text brush from feel in white on the center of the black bar. Once you stamp on your tiny text brush, set the layer opacity to 70%. I wanted the brush to have sort of a faded effect. To do so, go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay and set your settings to this.


Time to add some detail that'll fill up some empty spaces. I'll break it all down with seperate references to make this step more clear:

1.) First, take this texture by indienotebook, desaturate it, then resize it really small. Paste it on a new layer and then drag it to where the empty space is at the top of the black bar. Now set this layer to Multiply 100%.
Reference here.

2.) Second, take this bird brush by 99mockingbirds (I think?) and stamp it in black next to the spray paint brush to where the empty space is on the right of it.
Reference here.

3.) Lastly, take this '&' brush (from Arial font) and stamp it in black next to the circular frame on the spot where only a little bit of the black bar is showing. To make this black brush stand out a little more, I added a white drop shadow. To do so, go to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow and set your settings to this.
Reference here.


Now it's time to start adding text. First, grab your text tool (hit T) and set your text settings to italic 12pt Georgia with tracking at 100. After you have that set, type out 'hold me' in black and all in lowercase letters. Move this text above the black bar.

Now change your settings again but this time to italic 12pt Georgia with tracking at about 55-60. Once that's set, type out 'and love me' in white and all in lowercase letters. Move this text right under the 'hold me' text and onto the black bar so that the new text is above the tiny text brush.


The signature looks a little boring and flat since it's only black and white, so now we're going to add some colorful light textures to make it pop. First, take this texture by brilliantlyspirited and paste it on a new layer. Move it so it's right in the middle of the black bar and also slightly over the circular frame. Resize the texture if needed. Now set this layer to Lighten 100%. Remove any unwanted spots of the light texture with a feathered brush eraser (hit E).


Continue to add more light textures by brilliantlyspirited using the same method as in step 10. Add as much as you want where ever you want but be sure not to overdo it.


For the final step, add this texture by peoplemachines, paste it on a new layer and then set it to Screen 100%.
Flatten, sharpen, do whatever else you want, and there's your final result! (:

Please credit either seraphics/pigmented.
Please do not hotlink and do not steal/claim anything as your own.

If anything is unclear or if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. You can also post your results here, I'd love to see what you got!

tutorials: photoshop, tutorials: signatures

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