Apr 03, 2005 11:40
So I FINALLY cleaned out my trunk, well sort of, and I came across 2 boxes full of dolls and beanie babies. So I'm trying to price the beanie babies to sell them becuase, lorsh, they're ancient. And last night I was trying to find the shoe to my dutch Barbie, which I had remembered seeing and throwing in the back of my closet, and I pulled out my Chrysalsis stuff from Flight #14 over a year ago. And I still had food and candy. haha. But all the agape, and all the letters, are awesome. You read them and subconsciously you begin to cry. And you realize that wet stuff rolling down your face is tears! But you laugh too. But God's love is really and truly amazing and thats all that matters.
On another crappy sidenote, I can't find my freaking MacroEcon book OR notes. AND IM PISSED. WHERE Could they have gone!? I KINDA need them for our take home test which is Wednesday. Where the crap do they just GO!?
Friday night I decided to tag Tony's car. Only it was raining so it ran down the windows. So Saturday he decides to get me back. And the second I walked into work, since I was late, I immediately went to the back and began to work. Tony went out to my car and on my front window wrote "Shortie", the driver's window wrote "Payback is a bi@tch" and on the back window, to my horror, "I NEED A DATE. CALL 534-9796.".....and YES that's my phone number! AND EVERYONE saw it. Tony said people just gathered around, reading it and laughing before they came in. I was soooo mad at first. And then later, right after I found out, I laughed so hard I cried, one of the guys at my table turned down dessert but said the other guy would like to wrestle with me...and I just looked at him...and I didn't know what to say. They were like "Oh, it went over your head." I came back and said "Ya know, my phone numbers on my car if you need anything." And another table who had seen it just laughed.
But I got Tony back. I wrote "<3 Sandy" on a window, "Do ya like it dirrty?" and..."Oh it's on! Double Payback is also a bi@tch!"
Fun at work. Now where's my book? (ha that rhymes...)
"...Wide Open Spaces."