Holy Sonnet V vs Little Gidding mvmt. IV

Mar 16, 2016 21:19

Шурик, ты не находишь?

I am a little world made cunningly Of elements, and an angelic spright, But black sin hath betrayed to endless night My worlds both parts, and oh! both parts must die. You, which beyond that heaven which was most high Have found new spheres and of new lands can write, Pour new seas in mine eyes, that so I might Drown my world with my weeping earnestly, Or wash it, if it must be drowned no more: But oh! it must be burnt; alas the fire Of lust and envy burnt it heretofore, And made it fouler; Let their flames retire, And burn me, O Lord, with a fiery zeal Of thee and thy house, which doth in eating heal.

The dove descending breaks the air With flame of incandescent terror Of which the tongues declare The one dischage from sin and error. The only hope, or else despair Lies in the choice of pyre of pyre - To be redeemed from fire by fire. Who then devised the torment? Love. Love is the unfamiliar Name Behind the hands that wove The intolerable shirt of flame Which human power cannot remove. We only live, only suspire Consumed by either fire or fire.

Два великих христианских поэта разговаривают через расстояние в 330 лет.

eliot, poetry, donne

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