Today has been one of those really crappy days of nothingess. I had all these great plans of things to do - and none of them happened. I did, however, take in FOUR different parcels for various members of my family, including a bookcase which the delivery guy kindly left on the step for me to carry in. Thankfully it wasn't that heavy. The hardest thing was finding somewhere to put it as the hall is already full of desk boxes and stuff that had come earlier. Amazon still haven't even dispatched my parcel.
LJ has been a pain all day. Its barely worked for me which is doubly annoying as I wanted to prettify mine today. :-( It's finally working now but I'm not risking changing anything while its doing strange things.
The one thing I have got done today is finished copying half my music CDs to the computer. *blinks* I have 3177 files in My Music folder. That is far too many songs and I'm only halfway through. I did go through a phase of buying a CD a week, or always geting stuff in 3 for 2 sales. I have a lot of rubbish. How many copies of Five singing Inspector Gadget do I need? I don't even like the song. I have also found loads of good stuff that I forgot I even had. So it has been a good experience too.
And to stop this being the completly pointless update that it is, something stolen from
_cloudedvision 1.) Copy and paste this into your journal:<*font color="yourusername"> <*b>yourusername<*/b><*/font>
2.) Eliminate the asterisks.
3.) Replace "yourusername" with your user name.
4.) See what color you are.
OK, I'm the same colour Sammie was. :s