Not too long after I joined my current company, I went up to my cubicle neighbor and asked him, "Have you ever heard of T25?"
He hadn't. I explained it to him, and also said it's like a pared down version of Insanity, whose creator also created T25. Anyways, I told him that I can bring my DVD to work and we can work out together, along with whomever else may be interested in joining.
Fast forward to 4+ months later - we have a small group of people (mainly guys) with whom we do T25 a couple times a week. Usually, it's 2-3x times. But during one recent week, I did 4x!
And recently, I met up with Greg. We haven't seen each other since last Nov/Dec. He said that I looked like I'm in better shape than when he last saw me. So all that T25 must be good for something.
In addition, I've been trying to walk around a lot more at work these days. Sometimes, too much. We currently have 3 buildings on campus, one of which is further than the others. Me doing one round trip alone is like around 2k steps. And there have been days where I've walked to-and-from that faraway building 2-3x in a single day.
So my steps rack up during the work week. Depending if I also do T25 on that day, my # of steps have been anywhere between 10,000 to 20,000. Which is great.
And finally, I recently donned my US Coast Guard Auxiliary uniform. For a long time - a few years, at least - up till now, I was reluctant to put it on. Mainly b/c of the dress trousers. There were times when I couldn't get into them no matter how much I sucked in my gut (and when I did, I couldn't maintain it). It was actually painful. Not that I was obese, mind you, but I was overweight & fat enough in such that I couldn't even fit into my dress trousers. It was embarrassing.
Last week, I had to pick up a wreath so I could donate it to the local VA for Memorial Day. I was doing it on behalf of the Auxiliary, so it's better for me to do it in uniform. For the past few years, I just showed up in casual attire b/c of the above reasons.
But this time around, I decided to try on my dress trousers just to see where I was. And guess what? I actually FIT!
Ok, I still had to suck in my gut. But it was nowhere as bad as before.
I should just return my new dress trousers that are supposedly bigger in waist-size and keep up my T25 routine. With, ofc, being constantly mindful of my diet.
I need to keep this up, since I will soon be 40. It's harder to be healthy as you get older. I'm thankful I can still do the things I can. I want to maintain my health - and hopefully relatively youthful appearance - as long as I can.
Thank you, T25.