Layoffs' stigma

Mar 12, 2023 15:24

LinkedIn just posted an article about the stigma of layoffs. Esp amongst Gen Z'ers.

I remember a long time ago, after I started working, my old man was saying to me that those who get laid off are the ones who didn't perform well, didn't do good work, etc.  I thought - and still do think - that that kind of mentality is wrong and just promotes the whole stigma of layoffs. Not a very empathetic way of thinking, but then again, my old man was a senior executive that spent long hours at the office, and is rather traditional in that aspect (but not all).

When the Great Recession was going full steam, I think the stigma of layoffs lessened somewhat. Because sooo many people were getting RIF'fed. Therefore, how can you be prejudiced against so many people who got the pink slip? You can't. And if you do, then that really says something about you more than them (and not in a good way IMO).

At my last company, there were several rounds of layoffs during my 15 years there. One dude in another dept got it. I didn't really know him or worked with him, but I heard that he was very competent and capable. I even overheard my boss at the time saying, "Why would you lay HIM off?" And he said it in a way that clearly conveyed how important the affected employee was. So, no, layoffs aren't necessarily targeting those "subpar performers" as my old man would say.

Fast forward to recent times:  there have been a ton of layoffs going on in the last several months, esp in the tech industry. Yes, as the LinkedIn article said, there is still some stigma about getting laid off. But I don't think it was severe as it used to be... and that's the way it should be.

No one should fucking look down on those affected. "Oh, they got laid off only because they're poor performers. So they deserve it. It's a competitive world out there; the laid off people should be better workers."  Sorry, there may be some truth in that line of thinking (it IS a competitive world out there and one should always strive to work hard). But, otherwise that kind of mentality is very judgmental, condescending, and with no sympathy. I try to stay away from those kinds of people.

I've been laid off myself, but not because of any poor performances of mine. My last company shut down our local mfg facility and moved it over to MN. So mostly everyone at said facility got the pink slip. You can't blame me and others impacted that we did bad work. It was a fuckin' corporate decision to shut down the entire site.

And recently at Google, my friend who works there said that the layoffs seemed to be very random. Who knows if that's true or not, but that's another indication that layoffs shouldn't be taken personal (I guess there are exceptions ofc). And those with Alpha mentalities try to make it personal.

Back to my case: when I was going thru some interview tips, my LHH mentor coached me, "There was a reorg and I was impacted. Keep it simple like that."  Sorry, I disagree with him in that one. I told the truth why I was laid off. Ofc, I didn't lay it too thick, but ultimately I wanted to let my interviewers know that, hey it wasn't my fault that I got laid off. There was a very good reason why, and it was completely outside of my control. And TBH, I'm glad I did that b/c some of my interviewers were surprised: "oh, I didn't know your facility shut down!" And anyone with any common sense wouldn't blame me for that.

So anyways, those are my thoughts and experiences with layoffs. They're not good, but there shouldn't be any stigma against them.

And those who think otherwise or reinforces such stigmas can go to Hell.

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