Sep 15, 2011 15:27
I'm going to skip the usual meanderings of my mind with this post and discuss some nudes. Scarlett Johansson nudes.
This is a controversy that I could care less about, and would just as soon avoid, but given the nature of the message boards (and the internet in general), just about everywhere I go for news and otherwise is all atwitter about this latest T&A scandal. But, still, give MY nature, I must comment on it because from what I have seen, certain things need to be said, at this point.
Right now, the movement is towards sympathy for her. She's upset and a bit shamed by the whole thing. Okay, that's kinda fair. Kinda.
People do this shit a lot, the whole "nude photo on the cam phone" thing. Hell, there's probably a dozen porn sites at least that are dedicated to the coveted amateur self-shots. However, for a moments, let's pretend you want to do this. You want to take a few cam phone shots, mirror-assisted or otherwise to send to a particularly deserving person, or whatever reason you can come up with. Now, let's also pretend you're a hot fucking celebrity.
This would be all fine and well if in fact we lived in a world where there are NOT millions of people who want to see you naked, some of which are rather skilled with getting around the security measures our "devices of connectedness" might have in place. See? Now you're just kidding yourself. These types of controversies have happened two dozen times in the last ten years and will continue to happen. The basic lesson here is if you don't want to be naked on the internet, then don't fucking pose naked in a digital format. It's really that easy.
But this still needs to be examined further. Why do SJ and other celebs feel the need to take nude photos of themselves? Really, it could be a number of reasons, and I believe them all to be fair. Maybe their SO is far away, and will be for quite some time, and really, everyone needs some sexy time now and again. Maybe they just want to see how they look naked, because it's true, some of us get curious as to what we might look like to the person we're fucking. But I can't get passed the very publicly known risks of doing so with an online device.
I also can't get passed the idea that this, like other similar scandals previous, may have been done with intent. I'm not saying this is absolutely the case with SJ, but it is a possibility. She has not exactly been in the limelight for some time, and to be honest, I'd forgotten about her until this shit blew up yesterday. Releasing two softcore nudes fixes that problem in literally minutes.
Oh, and yeah, there's just two. Kinda makes me wonder if there were more, and she deleted them, or those were selected to be released. Think about it. You're not just going to take two shots and be done with it. Ever taken a profile pic for Facebook or something? You take a handful of shots, and pic the one or ones you like, and that is what you post. Then you generally delete all of them because there's really no reason to keep that shit on your own phone. So, if she did take more shots, and liked those two, why didn't she get rid of them as soon as she did whatever was planned for those photos? Granted, they'd still be out there floating in the cloud, as they say, but at the same time, if her phone was "hacked," they would not have be so easy to grab (yes, there's still a way, if you're sloppy about whoever you sent them to, but still).
So, now the FBI is involved. Fair enough. Personally, if I were her, and my phone really was "hacked," I'd put the call out to Anonymous and offer a bounty or something. They've proven themselves to be far more useful than the FBI in cases of technological matters any day of the week.
Oh well. Maybe she's just pissed because they're not that great in quality, looking more like grainy stills from a security camera. Nobody wants to be portrayed like that.
All in all, I don't have much sympathy when this happens to celebs anymore. In the end, we should all have learned that there really is no such thing as privacy anymore when it comes to anything that keeps us connected. Those of fame and fortune should certainly know this sooner than the rest of us, given that their lives are basically documented by a multitude of media outlets. I'm sorry if she's upset, but come on, you all know that there are some people sitting behind keyboards out there with nothing but malice in their eyes...that is, if she was truly "hacked." Read her responses all you want, but never forget, she is an actress. This whole thing could have been done on purpose.
End rant.