Sep 12, 2007 12:23
I talked to Dr. W yesterday and explained to her why I had to get up and leave early. She told me she thought about me half of the night wondering what she did to offend me, lol. But she's cool with it, we talked for a little bit about Shakespeare, and Taming of the Shrew and ended on friendly terms. So I'm glad I went and said something to her.
My psych test...I was distracted because of the cute boy that sits next to me. :( And I was a little jittery still from the meds. No matter, I was still the first person finished, and I expect an A. If not, lowest test score is dropped, so it's all good. I told Dr. H that I was on a new SNRI and she said she'd excuse her 2 absence policy from me for the next month while I try and adjust to the medication and the dosage increases over the next few weeks so long as I emailed her before hand letting her know. I don't think it'll be an issue. I hope not at least.
I spoke with Dr. Aaij and Dr. G yesterday and they were both really positive about my grad school prospects. Dr. G has been emailing me throughout the day telling me what crosses his mind as to what I can do to improve my chances, and, they both said they have complete confidence that I could get into any school I wanted so long as I took the gre seriously. Actually, Dr. G said he's seen a little of what he calls "undergrad slack" in me during past classes, and it annoys him because he knows from my work on the scrib and a few papers that I'm capable of more. :( I just like getting by with minimal effort, what can I say?
Anyways, they say to pick around 7 schools to apply to, so I'm still shopping around.
So far I've got my list to the following:
University of Chicago
University of Delaware
UC Davis
I'm not sure what else to go for at the moment though. I refuse to use AU or UA as saftey nets. I've been looking at the requirements for these places, and I can meet them pretty easily. Some require the GRE lit, some don't, and none list a minimum score, but I'll definitely have the writing sample, statement of purpose, and gpa requirements.
Today I've been feeling a little slackish on the job. I'm still paranoid about the weight gain possibility, so during my lunch break, I changed clothes and went on a 3 mile run, then hit up the nearest starbucks for a little bit of coffee. I feel great at the moment. Hope this keeps up. :D
Jessica M is taking private dance lessons every other day after she the school lets out, and she told me she wants to use me as a practice partner. I'm all for that. She can teach me ballroom/spanish dancing all she wants. I've always wanted to learn.