--won't it come off? [The sound of infuriation and the shaking of wings can be heard. There's a familiar voice of a girl with blond hair and a white cotton sundress.
In contrast to this white dress is a purple pair of wings she seems to be annoyed with.] What gives? Since when did I get wings? --Wait, scratch that. Why do I have wings? And why am
Read more... )
Fate has an ironic sense of humor, or course.] How troublesome... probably jinxed myself.
[Now that he's thought that, he wouldn't be surprised if something happened anyways.]
It's been a while - close to a year? He nearly second guesses himself; it wouldn't be the first time he heard two people with such similar voices. There's this blond midget he's heard over the journals who sounds just like Temari-]
Okay, if this is a mission, this is a very odd one.]
... Shikamaru? Please tell me what exactly is going on here?
[Is it weird that he sounds happy? Wait, yes. Of course it is. This isn't that sort of situation. He clears his throat and wipes a smile off his face, all business again.]
A lot of it's better done in person anyways. [He picks up his journal and heads for the door, slipping on some shows.] I'm gonna find something in the journals for you that should explain the basics. You can read it while I look for you.
[And for thaaaaat. He sets up a quick Filter.]
Tell me where you're at.
One minute I'm aiding village repairs and now I'm here by this-- [Looks back.] This fountain in the middle of this unknown village.
[He goes quiet for a moment, speaking up only after getting a link to The Guide set up for her.]
It won't take me long to find you. Take a look inside the journal now - there's a guide someone's been maintaining that'll answer some of your questions. Read that while you wait. Okay?
Read it while holding on the commenting, please? Those were my ears, woman.
Shikamaru, did you also just arrive or...?
[Ino has enough things to worry about for now, though. She doesn't need to know how long he's been here - not just yet.
Let's just take this one step at a time, shall we?]
Just wait until I get there. [He repeats himself, not because he doesn't think she heard him the first time, because he knows what question would be coming next.]
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