At the eXcelsior AGAIN!! But i love it there, so it's all good.
Opening the Show was Ruby Sue, whose bass player i'd seen at a couple of recent gigs and the drummer from Dos Dedos. i think i've seen the lead guitarist somewhere before too, but not sure where or when. i liked this band, although the vocals were a bit out of tune or something. That aside, the music seemed nice and each member brought a personality to the band. The Rythm guitarist sang most of the lead vocals, but the bass player did some also.
Lik should change their name to Lik 182. If you ever hear them, you'll know why. They sound very American pop punk (that horrible oxymoron) and they're not even American, so it makes it even worse. Other than the really crap music, the band members seemed like nice people, but everything else about their band sucks. Sorry guys if you're reading this, but it's true. Cut the whiny American accent, change your logo and do something original with your songs.
Switch Dolls. There's a great vibe about this band. The guitars are wicked, the vocals are strong and the bass is great, but there's something more that just makes this band really enjoyable. Maybe it's the song structures, maybe it's the attitude. Whatever it is, Switch Dolls are wonderful.
Met some fellow Vulture fans and stood right up the front. It was funny, i'd be talking with this guy, Murphy, and the guitarist would be testing his guitar and interrupt us and Murphy would yell "FFUCCK!" then "Sorry!" when the guitarist looked at him.
Vulture are and were Awesome (yes, with a capital A). Every member has personality and great audiovisual power. Sam is such a dramatic frontman. It was often hard to look away from him, even when he wasn't singing. Cat gets some wicked sounds out of his keyboard as does the guitarist with his guitar. Sonya was excellent with her vicious bass of Doom. The Drums were great.
And we managed to get an encore out of them, which kicked arse.