May 16, 2009 16:26
today has been very satisfying. i rode my bike to the farmer's market. picked up local asparagus, mixed radishes, tasty pastry, and two different kinds of mint plants. i will be a tea making fool. traveled out to my favorite aunt puddy's (no real relation) and picked a whole giant garbage bag of rhubarb and cut two huge bunches of lilac. i made a strawberry rhubarb pie, planted my mint in pots outside, put a new rose bush into the ground, then dug out some of the thousands of dandelions trying to take over everything.
tonight i am going to sauce and can the rest of my rhubarb. in a month i will go u pick strawberries and then pick up another giant round of rhubarb. i want to freeze strawberry rhubarb pie filling for winter. yes, i own a caner and a seal a meal. I also plan on finishing a bracelet i have been weaving.
i really want to learn how to dye and spin my own yarn. i wish natasha did not live in seattle, because then she would teach me. yes, i think my DIY-ness might be getting out of control. i am sure i will have this thought again when i pull my sewing machine out tomorrow and fix some clothing that other people would have just thrown away.