Into the fray

Apr 07, 2013 19:05

Like a torch on a cold day, a flagpole in the rain, so I stand.
Alone and over whelmed.
I am a comet, I am a rock.  I am a moon.

Seconds, the currency of time, the clock tells me where I am.
I am now.
Every moment that I am I am less than I wanted.
The pace of passing every opportunity is slow and beleaguered.
Quartz soldiers, and so they march.

Problems abound to those that go looking for them.  But the man that has gained contentedness owns the world.
I have so much. I am rich in every aspect except for that which empowers.
My energy, dark dark energy, swirls within me.  The tar of my disease.
A skeleton with flesh, I look out and observe for I am paralyzed.
This is what it is like to waste away before death.  This is what it is like to be dead.

Each torturous minute marks off more of what I am not for what I do not do.
Why does happiness run from me.  What have I done?
Who am I that I deserve eternal punishment with this life?

With open arms.
As I travel forward the present comes at me as though with open arms.
The infinitesimal point beyond grows to surround my existence.
I am, and I am now.
Between two points exists infinite possibilities.

Yet for what do we labor and why?
Because life is wonderful and amazing.
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