
Aug 12, 2005 23:47

::sigh:: I interviewed Hanson one year ago today. :( That was honestly, one of the greatest days of my life. Staying ahead of the barrier the entire show really added to it as well. In the spirit of things, I dug out my notebook that I used during the interview and thought I'd type up my notes (even though I can't really read some of them). I was so nervous, yet relaxed. Here's what I have, plus some of my addition commentary they probably wouldn't have appreciated on I look back and wish I would have asked different questions...its strange that you have years of trying to think of questions to ask your favorite band and when the time comes, you think all the questions suck.

First off, I came in to sound check LATE thanks to the lovely Chicago traffic. I walk in, meet Machine, pee, THEN notice that its not Hanson on stage, its Justin and Taylor going over "Magic Carpet Ride." Then I die because I realize that they are going to play that for soundcheck. Yay! They finish and come over, I go say hi by myself which was quite akward because Machine pushed me over there and no one followed. I take pictures of everyone meeting them (which was actually pretty fun). I got to listen into everyones conversations with them. They talked about signing boobs for a while...losers.

Finally everyone goes away and we go sit by the bar. Isaac tells me that "we don't have a lot of time..." and Zac tells me not to worry about it and we don't have to rush. Thank you Zac, in my experience you are the coolest Hanson. :) I swear to God Taylor was high...he just kinda stared off into space, not that I was expecting anything else from Taylor. We looked at some stuff they received at the meet n greet which included a chalk drawing of Isaac that we were trying to determine which show the picture was drawn from (I think we came to the conclusion that it was from Navy Pier). Blah, blah small talk, then I ask the questions.

Q: Which song on Underneath was easiest for you to write/came to you the quickest? Which was harder/took the longest to complete?
I: Underneath was the easiest, we had most of the song done in 2 hours and we worked on lyrics for 2 hours more, so 4 hours total. *yay Isaac you can add* Deeper probably took the longest to complete.
Z: Every Word I Say was tough too.
I: Hard to tell the actual time for Deeper.
Z: We began deeper in South America after the TTA tour in 2002, so it took about 2 years. We finished it a week before we started recording it (Somewhere in there he said that obviously didn't work on it for 2 years straight buy came back to it). *Taylor looking at phone, me, and space*

Q: This tour, you've had both general admission concerts and seated concerts. Does it change the feel of the concert or does it not make a difference?
Z: It does make a difference, GA seems to have more energy, since people have usually been waiting all day to come in, they are also forced to stand because they don't have seats. *duh*
I: The venue makes a difference.
Z: Yeah, last night we played in a great venue, its an enjoyment to play where other great people have played.
Then I said soem shit about how cool this venue was and I&Z agreed that it was nice
By this time I had basically just turned so I was only facing I&Z, Taylor was on a another planet, as he usually is.

Q: What are a few songs this tour that have been especially enjoyable for you to play?
I: I enjoy Hand in Hand *yeah, you would Isaac* Its really up and down *what the hell does that mean? I don't mind this song live - i hope by up and down he means when he plays it solo or when they play it as a group, but who knows*
Z: Speechless. Its a defferent take on the song and fun to play.
*no response from Taylor*

Q: Did you receive any advice from other musicians when you left the record label and started your own?
Z: Not really, mostly buissness partners.
I: Most are afraid, its hard to walk the line between being on a label and being on your own. We have a really good team and get to be agressive and focused on areas we want to be. We also don't have to through money around.
*I think I congratulated them on the CD and everything, but I can't remember. Its SO HARD to write down what they are saying while still paying attention. I wish I had this on tape.*

This questions was NOT included on!
Q: I'm stealing a question from "Inside the Actors Studio" have you seen it?
Z: Oh yeah, I love it.
Q: Well, this is a great question he asks and I think you can tell a lot about a person from it, what's your favorite cuss word?
*They all laugh and Zac especially seems to get a kick out of it*
Z: Can it be a phrase?
Me: Of course.
Z: I'll go with "go take a flying fuck"
Me: Good one, I gotta write this down word for word.
I: Hrrmm, I gotta think about this one.
Z: (talking to Ike) Asswipe is a good one.
I: I say shit alot, so I'll go with that.
*Taylor just sits and thinks*
Z: (To Taylor) How about dickhead? (I keep writing these down) You're writing all mine down!
Me: Well, you're the one saying them. (Machine comes over and Zac says, "she asked us our favorite cuss word!" all smiles. I'm so glad he enjoyed that question. Made me happy :)
Taylor: I'll go with Nerfherder *What the fuck?? The first time he speaks THIS is what he says?*
Me: Uh, what was that?
Zac: Nerfherder, its from star wars *LAME ANSWER TAYLOR, VERY LAME. go smoke more dope*

Then Zac finish signing my underneath cover (the other 2 signed in MN). And they all signed my B&W poster. I brought a silver marker, but Zac had to draw all over his hand to get it to work. It took all 4 of us to hold it down, then Isaac signed his white tie area with a black marker (which makes sense) but Zac didn't like that very much. "She wants us to use a SILVER MARKER." I assured him that it was ok (it looks better that ike signed with black. I I ask taylor to make it out to Jen...of course I get a blank stare and no shit, when he goes to write Jen he write a T. Then pauses, then ASKS me how to spell JEN. "Uh, J-E-N." HELLO? He puts a hook on the T and write Jen and Best Wishes, but writes it under Zac's name so I'll have to remember for all time that Taylor wrote it or I'll think Zac did. (not that i'll ever forget). I shook there hands again (best hand shake winner is Zac, of course) thanked them. And still want to kick my own ass for not asking for a hug. Oh well.

Ah, memories. Sorry this is so long, but that was my own little anniversary celebration.
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