Apr 16, 2008 22:02
Somewhat I realize that when I've been dating Natali, I was becoming her dream man. I sacrificed everything, just to become that. Is that right? Of course no, although a love like that is kind of nice. Looking back, I realize that Natali didnt appreciate me for what I am, didnt believe in me, jumped into conclusions. I easily forgave her all that. But I cant live a life of illusions. She is gone, she aint dating me no longer, for a long time. Maybe much longer than I think. Looking back I can face to it a little bit more and more. She will come back, if ever, a different person. Her first bwoi, is behind her, her second, is not here yet. But really, I dont want to know. Its easier for me this way for obvious reasons.
I want to be with someone, although the thought is really unusual and I can hardly imagine that person. Maybe meeting her would help) I am not gonna rush it though, its better that way. BC I've started to really look into the eyes of each girl I walk by, and that my dears is downright paranoia. I know myself.....a little. I can get paranoid, and from past experiences, I know exactly when its growing weary upon me. Am I helping myself a bit with that. Nah, no way.