
Oct 10, 2005 15:18

My abnormal psych class ended early. So I'm typing this before I go to my lab appointment. Ugh I have to email all the AIs of my other classes to find out what I got wrong on my tests. Or should I just go see the professors during their office hours? Hmmm. Yeah, I'm too lazy for emails, I'd just rather bother the professors and try to become teachers' pets. (They are not seeing this, right? -_-; I'm self-disclosing too much. I'm supposed to be sweet :) Which I am teehee.) Anyway
I had a good lunch. I think I'm an ok cook concerning the things I do cook. It was a lot and very fattening so byebye to dinner today. I shall dine on green tea and work out and try to get rid of that one kilo -_-+ (which I will never forgive Jason and Neil for.)
I want muscles. Girls are so pathetic cause it's so hard for them to get muscles. ;_; Arghh. I am so pitiful. Oh well.
On Saturday when I was driving around with Emily and letting other drivers and people pass before me, she said I was nice. I replied that I try to be a nice driver when I have the time. Because I become a super shitass driver when I don't. (As a bonus I also swear.) I think Jason got that today.
I do tend to be overemotional and overreacting, especially when it comes to friends. I guess it's becuase I attach myself easily. But I like myself that way (or gave up on being otherwise -_-;) and it's more satisfying when you follow your feelings wherever they lead you.
My mom let me buy pants!!!! Yea!!!!! It started when I found out she had bought my sister big mocassin boots. Well I'm not the one to let that just pass by -_-; Hehehehe. I'm gonna get some good ones this time :P The boots were expensive anyway. I'm planning on buying baggy ones, because I found a good use for them. Since I don't use tampons -_-* Cindy told me I'd be good in public relations. I guess I usually do end up getting what I want -_-;
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