The long hiatus of sorts is hopefully coming to an end. :) Feels strange to write here again, after being absent for so long. What with busy school/ work days, being lazy and the lj glitches, excuses excuses huh.
If you haven't seen me in some time, except for being fatter and having longer hair (which i am trying not to cut for the next 10 years), i guess i'm still the same person i was before. Heh. Lately i have continued to get tardier, which bugs me immensely but i can't seem to get out of it. Perhaps i am not trying harder.
Since i last wrote, i am now officially jobless and a leech on society. Haha. I would like to think that maybe my standards are too high, that i'm day dreaming for that perfect job, but who knows. Desperate times will call for a drop in expectations soon. :p Still can't believe that i, finally after 4 torturous years of mad studying, have graduated against all odds. *yesh in exaggerated mo fashion*
These days, i have been busying myself with watching all kinds of dramas and i am currently taking a break from dramas before they fully take over my life. There are so many other things i want to do!
March Photos
^ Hard at work during fyp days and staying awake by playing with the tamas and gazing out at the forbidden forest.
^ Thai food outing and first time playing mario cart at the arcade. As expected, i am lousy at video games. Haha!
April Photos
^ Hanging out at the hospital with ah ma and camwhoring hahaha.
^ Some special edition Tohato.
May Photos
^ And this was it! Last school project ever. Together we make miracles haha!
^ Adorable pooh cookies!
^ Shoes. My "boss" is hilarious.
^ Dry Fry Muttom.
^ Girls' Day special edition peach Tohato.
June Photos
^ Made myself a handy travel wallet! :D Haha, hm and michie, if you girls are reading this, i hope to complete you guys' soon! And that's my newly acquired (finally!) red tray table from ikea.
^ My cooking exploits.
^ Some things that i got around crafting. I am still procrastinating on that 50usd order! Boo.
^ I find he looks like a certain North Korean leader.
^ Goodies from the sister. More limited edition tic tac. And GIANT KINDER EGG! Hand-sized egg with a plush in it. If only they had Disney toys in there. *dreams*
^ Look what i found - my kindergarten report card! All As and in the top 5! Hahahaha!
^ My mom made me some weird juice concoction that coagulated into a piece of foam cake in 10 minutes. :/
July Photos
^ Been craving for spicy soup since coming back from Korea. Bad $4.50 tofu soup from the toa payoh food court.
^ Regular morning at work.
^ I think we have an awesome skyline! At the national day parade rehearsals this year thanks to fang. <3 Why are fireworks so arresting?
^ One and only graduation piglet from the dear sister! <3
^ It's late and i'll finish this off with a picture of my modded laptop.