Aug 18, 2006 15:00
Orange and it's a walking cast. Not bad actually. Twas a pretty clean break. In fact you had to be an expert to see the break, he said you can't even see it from the side view x-rays -- it's broken in the front, but I'll take his word for it, along with the pain I feel. *g*
He knew where the ranch is as soon as I told him the name.. he lives up the street from it. He didn't disappoint me in the amount of money he makes being a doctor. Those houses are HUGE! This is Redlands -- rural portion of Redlands (think orange groves.. okay, few of those left, but there is a horse ranch in the neighborhood). Acres of land.. mansions.. I'd settle for one of their garages. LOL Okay, maybe an attic. *g*
Amanda J says 'hi' to everyone (my cat... one of three).
Anyhoo, this cast comes off in 3 weeks (Sept 11) and then I go back to the velcro thingie for I don't know how long. I have a note from the dr. telling HR I can work, now whether they believe that or not remains to be seen until Monday morning. In the meantime, I have to go take meds for the migraine I have. I tell ya, Piglet is just having so much fun these days! I can't stand it!