Jan 01, 2004 23:14
Happy New Year to all!!! Muax All Around?? Another New Remix of Love is All Around?? Ok sorry for the corny joke still thinking of Love Actually yesterday....
Update from yesterday... We decided to stay home and have a quiet new year's last night...It was cosy and homey.... Warm feelings all around.... Had a lazy morning... after a breakfast of ham, cheese and yesterday's sesame bread we ventured out to our day at the park....
It started as a touristy thing to do... sight see and appreciate the beauty of british gardens and parks.... It was a long walk to the park and it was so COLD!!!! Yes i finally admit i was chilled... but it was so windy and my ears immediately began to ache badly.... Trudging along to Wollaton Hall, the manor in Wollaton Park which we hoped had a starbucks or at least a warm room, the wind starting whipping up and freezing our extremities... Drew of course wanted to have model worthy pictures complaining we hardly had any pics of him... haiz hiao po!!!
At the top of the uphill hike we were greeted by a small manicured garden and classical statues of Athena and Triton(we are guessing), Triton had huge assets we all agreed... heehee...
Walking abit more we stumbled on an ice cream truck and had rich vanilla cones.. which tasted sinful and yet plain at the same time... Turning the corner we finally found a coffee place... Alleluia!!!
The tortilla hot dogs and hot chocolate were heaven... I was thinking the tortilla hot dogs were some new novel invention of the enterprising shop owners only to discover it was an invention of necessity due to the huge turn out and shortage of bread... Well delicious none the less please try people!! Anyway.....
After exploring a little more to find nothing much exciting we changed our direction and decided to go disturb the deer allegedly residing in the surprisingly green park... taking a few wrong turns we finally found them in a fenced off field...
The call of the wild saw us inching our way toward the cute brown beasts happily snacking on sweet potatos... But far from being cautious of the beasts we were instead trying our damnest to continue having shit free shoes.... Ala you cant beat the Singaporean outta anyone...
It was to prove hopeless so we gave up and ended our little adventure with much whining and scraping of shoes... realising it was growing late by then we slowly made our way back to the exit... Sharing a coke to keep our energies up.... Jc and i still much annoyed by our shoes were diligently scraping at this point.... and in the end i hoisted my boots up to a kind scraping by the guys....
At last the end of a tiring day.... or so we thot.... How wrong we were....
Instead of taking our original path home Jc thot it smart to take a different route passing a side of the lake... It was awfully muddy but provided beautiful views of lake and the ice floating at its surface....
We were to find to our horror that the path just wound around the lake and had no exit back home... Defeated we took a path along the wall that borders the Park..... This was the most beautiful in my opinion... Serene and almost harsh in its stark glory... Nearing the end of our journey we were alarmed to find the park gate locked....
Drew being innovative and heedless to danger decided that sliding down a lamp post was our only way to save ourselves a longer walk... And just like dat he had slid down the lamp post and onto the street below...
Needless to say i were terrified... I was appalled... There was no way i thot... images of dying a horrible death flashing through my mind.... Struggling to get onto the wall was one thing... then gripping the lamp post which was half a metre from the wall was another.... But seeing no other way i stepped on Jc's leg and tried it even though i could feel tears coming to my eyes....
Time seemed to stop as i was sitting on the top of the wall looking down to the street, I was at least a floor above the ground... Closing my eyes and gritting my teeth as i was so scared i couldn't even scream i took the leap of faith... And before i knew it i was on the ground....
Jc followed and we walked back home with adrenaline pumping through our veins and our triumph glowing in our hearts.... Wat an adventure it turned out to be..... ;p