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Jun 29, 2007 18:48


my first week of work is over :) Not too bad at all I'd say. Sara finished today, which i think she was kinda sad about, seeing as including placements she'd been there for 4 years. We had her leaving drinks on thursday, and then I ended up spending the night on Corin and Dean's floor, so it's damn nice to be back in my own home now! Not too hungover this morning, but fairly exhausted. In other, random work news I've been asked to represent the company at a dinner on wednesday! It's nothing important at all, I'm only going because the actual person who was supposed to go couldn't make it and I think I was the only one who actually filled the criteria of being a. female, b. Around in Bristol on a wednesday evening and c. willing to talk to school kids in exchange for free pizza!

It's for the Headstart course run in Bristol (Engineering peeps will remember it!) where sixth form students spend a week at a university and do engineering-y type stuff and learn about why they really really want to do Engineering at Uni. Anyway there'll be a load of sixthform students, quite a few of my lecturers (including the scary Dr Holliday! eek!), a load of representitives from big local engineering firms, and, um, me!

It's very weird really, after all it was only a few years ago that me, govannen, whatthebananas etc were on these courses ourselves, and now I'm the 'grown-up' on the other side of it, sort of thing.

Ooh, also Jingjing moved in on thursday, a bit earlier than planned as she had to move out of her old place as someone needed her room! Unfortunately since her tennancy doesn't officially start til monday we're sharing one set of keys between us til she can get hers, so I made her come round at 7.30am on thursday morning to pick them up as I knew I wouldn't be back for 36 hours after that! She's only hear til she goes back to China in a little while for the summer, but it's nice to have company again :)

drinking, engineering, flatmates, work

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