Hopoe everyone had good holidays. Went pretty well here, my sister was able to come over for a few hours on christmas day, which was really good, I got way more than I was expecting, including a fantastic stack of books to wade through, which will keep my mind far away from coursework for the rest of the holiday I should think.
Now of course, first day of post after christmas has brought me letters informing me The Inland Revenue are Not Pleased (well they were very polite, but with an undertone of Not Pleased and liable to get Not Pleasder if I ignore it) and I am shortly to be frantically searching out old pay slips, despite the fact I know they're all at Bristol, so there's really no point in trying. Sometimes living in two places is really really annoying.
Also, omg! just worked out - Guy of Gisborne was the guy in Vicar of Dibley on christmas day! TV loves me clearly.
I have watched a lot of tv, so I feel I deserve it.
watching torchwood on sunday with my mother, who has watched the grand total of about three episodes, and had this to say:
on Owen: 'He's not a bit of a tosser he's a lot of a tosser.'
on Tosh: 'So is she a lesbian now?'
on Gwen: 'Nutters. They're all nutters on this programme.'
on Ianto: 'What about Jack's sidekick? He doesn't seem too crazy.
me: He kept his cyberman girlfriend in the basement til she started killimg people.'
mum: oh. Nutters then?'
That's why we love them!
I liked the Runaway Bride on christmas day, and I really liked Catharine Tate in it, which surprised me as much as anyone else. I can't stand her in her own show, but I love her when she's actually acting, she was fantastic as the mother in Starter for 10, fixating on little things like having enough clean towels, and food at university, which is exactly what my mother does when she doesn't want to think about me going away, and I thought she did Donna excellently. She played the small minded self centred shallow human perfectly, but not as a straight out piss take like her show, but with real compassion, and gentle fun poking while still making you sympathetic. When Lance the fiance says 'god you really are thick aren't you?' or words to that effect, I just wanted to shout out 'yeah, but so what?'. I thought they did the post Rose stuff well as well, showing in the little moments how much the doctor missed her, but not making the episode all about that. I felt like he asked Donna to go with him, possibly not because he actually wanted to travel with her (dear god, anyone would want to kill her if they had to spend any amount of time shut in a tardis with her!) but because he was lonely, and there was definitely a bit of Rose in Donna. Looking foreward to seeing what the next companion is like, and how the work Jack into the series (apparently he won't appear til the finale, so might have to wait a bit, I guess they have timeline alignments to work out, although, you'd think in a show about time travel it wouldn't be an issue!).
Couldn't quite stand to see Billie Piper in Ruby in the Smoke today. I'm sure she'd be ok, but she's not my Sally Lockhart, and those books are way too sad for me. I read them once, but I don't think I could again.
also I just read through my first sentence here and realised it is the longest sentence in the world. Sorry, I have too much love for the comma.