MP expenses

May 19, 2009 22:24

So my MP has announced his resignation today. I remember the 2005 election and feeling slightly cheated because none of the main stream parties were on my ballot paper as by convention they don't stand against the incumbent speaker of the House of Commons. Although after consideration I suppose I would have probably voted for him anyway since he would still gave been a member of the labour party had he not been speaker. I have a great deal of respect for the man, someone who showed that you can come from a very simple background yet achieve the election to a great office and become one of the most recogniseable, and in a sense, powerful politicians in the country. He helps to fly in the face of Alex Salmond who seems to have this belief that the Scottish people are marginalised. You only have to look at the current makeup of the government to see that as a nation Scotland is listened to and looked out for. Our Prime Minister is Scottish, the Chancellor is Scottish, various other members of the cabinet are Scottish too. This helps to show that we aren't an "occupied" people and that we are in charge of our destinies as our elected representatives are in some the highest offices of state. It wasn't my intention to turn this into an anti-independance tirade, however it should be noted that for someone who can only be bothered to be a part time MP and attend Westminster for only a handful of votes since becoming First Minister, Alex Salmond knew how to claim expenses if the news papers are to be believed.

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