Aug 04, 2011 18:13
Well, so much for daily posting.
There's not actually been much happening of note. I've been adjusting to life with mom and daughter, and so far, we're getting along well. No bloodshed yet. Yesterday, I decided to clean out her food cabinets and throw away old things. There was this discusion, repeated several times during the process:
Mom: Why are you throwing that away? It's perfectly good.
Me: Mom, the use-by date is *2002!* It's old!
Mom: Don't be ridiculous. It's fine. Those dates don't really mean anything.
Me: Mom, they're put on there for a REASON. So you don't eat bad food and DIE.
Mom: Stop being so dramatic. They just want you to throw away stuff and buy more food.
Me: *tosses cans rapid-fire into trash* You're not keeping these. Seriously. You do know what date it is, right? 2011. They're nine years old. If you haven't eaten them by now, you're not going to.
Mom: You don't know that. I *might!*
Me: You're going to end up on one of those shows about Hoarders, if you're not careful.
Mom: Don't be ridiculous. And don't fall out of that chair. You don't have insurance yet.
Yes, my life is very exciting.
I've reapplied for my RN license. That involved getting fingerprinted and sending off an application, all for a total of about $150, borrowed from my mom. I've applied at the hospital for other jobs, but have heard nothing. I unfortunately let my license fees lapse simply because when they came due, I didn't have the funds for them. So I'm just waiting now to see what their verdict is. Cross your fingers.
The temperature here has been outrageous. Weeks of excessively high temps, and by that, I mean 100+ ranges. Yesterday it was 109, and the heat index was higher. I've never seen it this hot, ever. Mid-to-upper nineties, yeah, but not this 100+ stuff and certainly not for weeks on end. I saw on the news where the roads are actually exploding, asphalt is softening. They did a measurement of pavement heat and it was around 150 degrees. There's been no appreciable rain for a couple of months. The grass crunches when you walk on it, and the ground is like concrete. Sheesh. I dread seeing the utility bill.
Yesterday, I got my hair cut. In four-ish years it went from a below-the-ears bob to a straight fall down my back to my hips. Anticipating interviews, I got it cut into a chin-length bob, easy to care for, professional-looking. Everyone says that it took ten years off me, but then, people say lots of things. At any rate, I donated a fifteen-inch braid to Locks of Love, so maybe there's some good karma there. I hope so, anyway.
I'm still mooching internet from various places, using my daughter's laptop. That will most likely not change for some time. I have many plans for my earnings once I do get a job, and while I'd like wireless at home and a new computer, those things are fairly far down the list. Mostly I go to the library, which is nice, and they don't mind if you bring something to drink.
Have a good evening, and hope it's not too hot for everyone.